Burn After Reading

I thought it would be a pair of feet together and the vagina would be in between the arches...why did we think of these things?

Somehow I figured the vagina was going to be on the bottom of the foot. I don't know why that would make it less creepy, but...I guess it wouldn't look so much like you're fucking a bloody stump that way.

If the anti-abortion nutcases in this country have their way, this will be us before long. God damn these fucking zealots. Why aren't the lives of women considered more valuable than a cluster of cells?

...The director wrote the movie. It'd be one thing if a woman wrote it and got all of these other female producers on board only to randomly pick a male director, but...Mills wrote it.

Yeah, if your take on your adult children telling you why they're upset is "they open their mouths and all I hear is whomp whomp whomp" then I don't think /they're/ the problem.

This has been one of the most therapeutic pieces I have read in a long time. My sister and I are estranged from our mother and when people hear of this they usually paint us as spoiled children. "But that's your MOTHER!" they say. No matter that she was and is an abusive psycho who both my sister and I tried our

"When something, or more specifically,someone, no longer supports the view you have of yourself "

They disowned her because they're narcissistic pieces of shit. Naturally there is something definitely wrong with them because there's absolutely nothing wrong with her. Yeah, I can see why they're not on speaking terms.

Vagnoni is 56, a few years older than I am (I'm at the boom's end.). When she writes about the ideas boomers have about how parents should be treated, I have to laugh. Boomers treated their parents like garbage. They had tons of advantages. The kind no group before or since had.

My kids disowned me because I praised them too much? Is that seriously what she's claiming?

Especially since they are both estranged from her. I could understand if it was just one (she doesn't approve of his lifestyle/religion/whatever), but both? There's something fishy there and I don't think the stink comes from the kids' side.

My mother has a lot of mental health issues (bipolar depression and borderline personality disorder) and she doesn't process guilt at all well. So she denies things so aggressively and persistently that you start to wonder if they ever really happened. I am (mostly) estranged from her because she was emotionally

"They accuse me of being a terrible person, but won't elaborate about exactly what I've done. Well, sometimes they do, but it doesn't make sense, at least to me."

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

Her entire argument is totally meaningless without the other side of the story. I seriously doubt her children just woke up one morning and decided to cut her out of their lives. Unless she explains why they cut her off it's all just a lot of mindless jabbering.


Right? Christian evangelicals have more in common with radical Muslims than they'd like to admit.

I mean if "your mom masturbates to make her depression go away" is the new "your mom goes to college," I'm okay with it.

You've got a great point. Women shouldn't do anything provocative for fear of social repercussions of her children.