Burn After Reading

This is bullshit. Call it whatever new-age hipster shit you want, these parents have the right idea. There is ZERO wrong with letting your kids walk home together, especially if the distance is short. That's how they learn independence. It's how they become more aware of their surroundings, and it's how they learn to

I've always been pretty wishy washy about having kids but this kind of shit pushes me square into the "NO" camp.

You seem really judgy. "One time he made a sort of but not really odd motion during sex." Wow. So unacceptable.

this is happening where I live, so two interesting notes on the law:

Danielle and Alexander Meitiv of Washington D.C.

If your child is developmentally able and mentally and emotionally ready, he or she should be able to walk home from school or the park alone or with friends, right? I mean, if the trip is of reasonable length.

Shouldn't they be focused on kids who were actually being abused? I used to walk places all the time when I was a kid. I guess I'll have to inform my parents that they were abusive.

But I think these people are really from the leafy suburb of Silver Spring, MD — no mean streets involved. (Did not read downthread — maybe someone has already mentioned this.)

This is crazy. A 10 and a 6 year old, together, are old enough to walk home.

For once parents are totally reasonable and CPS is on their case about it...

Huh. I walked home further than that distance every school day that was reasonably warm when I was 10 and my sister was 5. Granted, I didn't grow up in Washington, D.C.

She's doing much better than that punk brother of hers

Can we talk about spanx? I don't wear them because aint nobody got time for that. But a friend of mine went through a spanx craze, only to abandon them, because she felt that they squished her body fat in such a way that she looked weirdly tube-like. She called it the 'german sausage' effect. And after she pointed

I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:

Uh - this is still a university, right? I mean, they still have classes and assignments and stuff, beyond the time constraints presented by being polished for 15-hour days of recruiting PNMs?

As a trans woman invested in owning a vagina, literally (monetarily) and figuratively (emotionally), and physically (yeah that one is obvious), I find this silly. If there are issues with the play, then add some monologues about SRS vaginas. I think that would be awesome.

Good for her. It was a well written piece and she deserves recognition for it.

Sad to see the disdain for Lewinsky seeped over from the TKTK comments.

For a feminist blog, there's a lot of weird energy in this headline. I think this information could have been presented more tactfully, or without the bitchy overtones. I'm sure I'm banned for saying this, but this is gross.

The thing that struck me is that she said she has "never been in a more passionate, loving, fulfilling situation". But like, this is the only sexual relationship you've ever had. And you're 18.