Burn After Reading

Yeah, does she want it to be against the rules for the kids to have play dates while their parents hang out and chat? Parents are often friends with their kids friends’ parents, and hang out and talk regularly. It seems really creepy that this director wants to outlaw parents spending time together.

That’s what I didn’t understand. I can kick it with whoever the fuck I want, thank you very much.

That sounds like my dream come true, to be honest. My youngest is almost out of elementary school and then HOT DAMN, my forced interactions with banal, judgey, vacant parents will be almost cut in half! That said, I cracked up when I saw that she was trying to prevent parents from meeting with each other. Good luck

And grammar. And spelling. And coherent communication skills. And attitude. And...pretty much everything. How can somebody of such a very obvious level of dumbassery be in charge of a “ritzy” anything? Like every single piece of her communication printed here is an embarrassing amalgamation of buzzwords, corporate

That was the part that had me going ‘the fuck did I just read??’ Because, seriously? You’re going to tell adults what they can do on their own time?? You’re going to say that parents of children who go to school together can’t fucking socialize?? What type of crazy pills are you on, lady?

Having any group parent meeting is not in anyone’s best interest and is not going to solve anything. In fact if this does occur it will leave me no choice but to ask all parents in attendance of any such meeting to find alternative care for their children for the new year, for not respecting Camelot’s policy and

What a totalitarian moron, lording over a very tiny little kingdom.

This “ritzy” preschool looks like a skanky strip club.

Holy crap, “aggressive” is right. What makes her think she can police parent time outside of school? Now I want to know why those teachers were fired, too!

How did you send an email to someone without knowing if they had an email address?

I was just in a conversation with a fashion forward friend about tailored clothes being more loose, these days. It’s apparently a whole trend and is done on purpose so that the wearer looks tinier in relation to the garment.

Random aside: I was to a wedding last month where the mother of the groom wore a white, lacy, mermaid style dress. She looked beautiful in it, but I could just see the bride’s jaw clenching.

I really don’t know what these people were expecting from inviting Lindsay Lohan. She WILL wear white to your wedding and she WILL make it all about herself.

On one hand, I’ve taken off my shoes at many a wedding (I think it depends on the time more than the level of formality? I mean, if it’s the dance at even a formal wedding and it’s past midnight and it’s one of those formal weddings where it’s understood the party is going to go on all night...) and someone who

Just smile, congratulate the newlyweds and tell the bride she looks radiant. That’s all you need to do to successfully navigate a wedding.

In three weeks, I am attending a wedding for the first time and it’s making my social anxiety go wild. I am going to get through it by reminding myself that even if I am the worst wedding guest in history, I will not be Lindsay Lohan as a wedding guest.

It has already been revealed that this was not LiLo, but the actress who played her sister In The Parent Trap.

This story is one that happened to a friend’s family. My friend’s father is an incredibly well-spoken, intelligent guy, so when his father died, he was chosen to give the eulogy.

Just this summer, my uncle died. His cremated remains were brought from his state of residence to SC for interment. The graveside service, attended only by family, was held in the middle of the day during that godawful heat wave we had. It was 108 degrees. Three generations of my family stood around in our Sunday