Burn After Reading

Because he was four. Four-year-olds by definition can’t take care of themselves to that extent. They can play by themselves at home while an adult is in a different room nearby, but the mall is not their house, the bookstore is not the playroom, and the bookstore employees are not paid child-care workers. There’s an

I think the other prominent person you may be thinking of was Nancy Snyderman. Her behavior wasn’t really all that high-risk, but she was so arrogant about the whole thing that it made her very easy to dislike.

Yes, but…pencil ON your brows, not INSTEAD OF your brows.

Maybe it was a covered crawl space accessible from the basement itself, so he never had to go around and outside, and no one realized that he was right underneath them as they walked on the porch. *shudder*

The wilderness store episode was SO EXCELLENT. And I mean, he was so good there, too. I’m watching that and thinking “this man is completely evil” and yet it’s still hard to make it all compute.

Ah, the old Warren G. Harding Strategy. “This worked 95 years ago, right guys?”


He wasn’t that bad until he slapped her!

I feel like she kind of is, though. I mean, “Meryl” is a legit way to shorten “Mary Louise,” and it’s what she’s always been called from childhood, so it’s not like a crazy fiction. It’s sort of like there’s no point in being upset to learn that Cate Blanchett’s name is Catherine.

More to the point: zines still exist?

Or Kia! But I think Kia was just Season 1.

Yes! “MPDP.” She married a guy whose last name was Page, which just added to the fun over there.

Television Without Pity did the BEST recaps of this show, and I remember their particular rage at the episode where she stapled all those flowers up in the bathroom—as they pointed out, all those tiny little holes in the drywall of a bathroom is like inviting mold into your walls.

She was the absolute queen of fucking up people’s walls. Destroying the walls was her specialty. Hildi was magic.

She can’t decide that men are now able to become pregnant, no.

It’s not that bad an order IMO, but narratively speaking it provided a good build to the punchline of that story, which was totally worth it.

Well, when he played Gandhi, that was less him being used as a prop and more him carrying the whole movie.

I would just like all fake people to know that they’re very welcome to send me a check if that’s what they’d like to do. I will not look down on any offers of checks.

Two billion Asian people with the requisite performance experience and abilities and interest to appear in a major film?

It’s about actor availability and interest; it’s about budget and who’s asking for what; it’s about pleasing the studio and “so-and-so owes us one more movie, you need to find a role for her in this” or “we’re thinking of so-and-so for another giant movie later next year but first we need to see how he does in an