Have all you kiddies forgotten the glorious career of “Two Live Jews”?
Have all you kiddies forgotten the glorious career of “Two Live Jews”?
Hillary Clinton has had 30 years to clean up Mark’s language and done nothing about it.
Excusing his French, it would seem that Mr. Ingram was offended that several of the Niner’s defensive players were of an understanding that they could prevent him from running in a touchdown on that specific play.
well did anyone find out what was wrong with them?
Are you talking about the second stack, the confederate flag, or all the pairs of sleeves that have been removed? lol
I was going to comment that I thought the little flaps near the balls is weird, but then I realized I was critiquing a dildo with a face on it.
you mean König Ranch Edition?
Overtime should consist of the Anthem played over and over and over and the first team with someone kneeling or collapsing loses. TEAMS THAT DISRESPECT THE MILITARY AREN’T WINNERS.
The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!
Shit yes. Anyone that spent significant time in a pediatrician’s office in the 80's knows exactly what the fuck you’re talking about.
Also: thank you for making my morning. Goofus would raw dog a broad and then never call her back. Probably give her an STD, too.
The State (capital S, as in the State of Texas) went into a public/private partnership with an investor-owned consortium to get them to build a road that the State (of Texas), using its own process for determining whether to invest in a road project (tolled or non-tolled - they actually run quite a few toll roads…
+1 glass hose.
The problem is replicating Britton for the multiple situations he would have been needed. If original Britton does the 8th and 9th well then his clone may be less effective in the 10th or 11th. Don’t even get me started on the goofus Britton lined up for the 12th.
This IS Craigslist, after all. You could probably offer ATM in exchange for the car.
I’m not exactly sure where the problem with the umpires lies.
Abdi Abdirahman said he is “way more relaxed” at 39 than he was when he was younger, causing me to experience a…
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
How about the idea that maybe if one of his opinions is based on false equivalencies like this - then maybe his other opinions might be viewed with some skepticism?