
@krome: My family has Danes and Chihuahua's and I can tell you, there is no way it could happen naturally. The amount of strength required by a male counterpart to impregnate a female Dane is considerably more than a Chihuahua would be capable of. Not mention the 'ol toothpick in a volcano analogy.

@tattertech: Yeah I kinda had a similar thought process. Guess it wasn't as clever as I thought. But that is one of my all-time favorite quotes.

The light that burns twice as bright burns for half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly, WR22.

@Svirfneblin: Lemurs with jetpacks and no sex drive.. Its a real problem over here

@syafiqjabar of Mars: I think they had one of those as a toy. They had all kinds of badass aliens that never were in the movies.. So ok, bear aliens are cool..


This could work out, because the conclusion is already in place, all he has to do is get us there. Just no polar bears please..

@djalice: I agree and she was great in Dune with all that sand gear.. But her sexuality took a hit with the first Ace Ventura movie.. Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle..

I grew up watching Sigourney, her numerous hairstyles, and her sailors mouth.. And I love her..

How does he come up with those doll's faces? Hopefully you cant just stroll in there with a picture of a woman and ask for a doll in her likeness.. I guess thats not how it works though, because if there were 15 million Megan Fox "Real Dolls" out there we woulda' heard by now...

I'm not sure that its because of anything gender related. She's a supporting actress, not a lead, she plays in action movies/shows where people die, supporting characters die in action movies. Plus when you're only conveyable character trait is "hardass" what do you expect?

I can see it now BP is saying, dude, we don't even have to change our logo..

If the Aliens extended cut was "40 miles of bad road" this extended version of Avatar should be "a long row to hoe"

During the interview no one asked about Peppa'?

"the effects of electrical treatment on penile nerves and vessels have not been well documented"

@gods-n-clods: You just put the art scene in a nutshell.

@Valkyrie607: Ahh my bad, comments can evade my eyes when they are at the bottom and must be expanded.