Kids like this Mondol, they never learn, he'll fly off the handle again eventually.
There's no implication on my part that the current laws are in any way incorrect, rather incomplete. We based those laws off of a few millions years of existence in a planetary system that represents the tiniest conceivable fraction of the known universe, not counting the unknown. My point is simply that current…
" Science is not about revolutions and rewriting the books."
All I know is we were convinced the earth was flat 600 years ago. Life in the universe could have a different paradigm for every version of life encountered..... We dont know what we dont know. Theories are fun, but one discovery can change everything.
Reviews are fun, we're all dying to know if its any good... But I take 99.9% of reviews with a grain of salt. To each his own - and a film critic, whose only job is to review movies, is surely going to have a different perspective than me.
Thats my point, if we are allowing Manga then the list could get messy.
To each his own, I thought TDK was heads and shoulders better than Captain America. Just depends on what comics you grew up on though I guess. Personally, it was Wolverine, Punisher, Spawn, X-Men, and Batman for the most part. So I like 'em a little on the darker side.
Agreed... I want to love Watchmen - its gritty, real, R rated, violent, no fairy-tale love stories.... But for some reason its just not that interesting. Its not a compelling story, there are some outstanding scenes in the movie, but something is missing.
Should Akira be on this list? If the term "comic book" includes Manga, then I think we could squeeze quite a few in here in the place of X2, and the (IMO) dreadfully mediocre IronMan 1, and even Hellboy (which is a personal fav)..
IMO, more of the frustration comes from SyFy budget dollars used on the absolutely indefensible atrocities they call SyFy Original Movies, instead of being used to re-run shows we enjoy like Firefly, T:SCC etc., or any classic Sc-Fi show/film for that matter. I don't think we expect them to provide us with Sci-Fi gold…
But we will continue to work diligently on the matter :)
LM002 > Urus
I would think a sequel is still possible. For all we know the other facilities around the world are still operational, and a sequel could take place at one of those. Or a sequel could involve them offering a massive blood sacrifice to the escaped god in an attempt to get the god back in his "prison". That would give…
This is a case where we all need to just step back, turn around and walk away. Lets Darwin's Theory do its thing.
Surprised by the lack of tentacles.
Another theory is that cats took the red pill.
Gotta love the Brownies
You're wondering what Raimi's lizard looks like?
Im sorry to the Scar-Jo lovers out there, but that chick is AWFUL. But I love Joss enough to give it a go despite Scarlett's dumb-face all over the adverts.