I remember I had to slow down and read the premise to The Box like 4-5 times because I thought, I must have skipped over the part that was not the stupidest thing I'd ever heard.
I remember I had to slow down and read the premise to The Box like 4-5 times because I thought, I must have skipped over the part that was not the stupidest thing I'd ever heard.
This article belongs on io9 based on what?
Will Smith as Cain?? People were shocked at the first black Santa or Barbie they saw..
@Lupison: BP is working on a penis-cap.
Can a Man-Bear-Pig movie be far behind? It shouldn't be.
With so much creative content out there, finding true originality is like chasing the dragon. Every time you think you have it, someone (probably on a site like io9) will have intimate knowledge of a story arc that "already did that"..
The beginning was like one of those episodes of Animal Face-Off from Discovery.
All I can think of is Great White Sharks.. *shuddder*
@collex: Yeah my perception was slightly altered by a bag of brownies we brought in with us, so I'm actually waiting until viewing 2 for final judgments.
@manimatr0n: The atomic bomb wasn't exactly a noble quest for knowledge.
The biggest problem to me was the Predators themselves. In the original and the sequel, the actor in the suit looked menacing. The original looked proportioned, powerful, athletic. Kevin Peter Hall kicked ass as the Predator. Look at that still from the sword-fight scene. That Predator looks STUPID his head is way…
The biggest problem to me was the Predators themselves. In the original and the sequel, the actor in the suit looked menacing. The original looked proportioned, powerful, athletic. Kevin Peter Hall kicked ass as the Predator. Look at that still from the sword-fight scene. That Predator looks STUPID his head is way…
@Grinning Kestrel: You are one, funny motherfuc%er...
You can't evict me for trying to bone everyone in my apartment building last night! I'm afflicted..
@GirlLibrarian: I've been wondering this as well. I'm thinking- if you've got the equipment and know-how, write, film, edit, and up-load a miniseries onto YouTube or something. At least you could be getting some material out there, might get noticed.. Beyond that little fantasy though, I would like to know some tricks…