
No one would ever fuck you willing you garbage sack of shit.

This is cool. Archila risked being harassed by a bunch of MAGA dumbasses to confront Flake. While it ultimately didn’t help (by no fault of her own) she probably did more to advance awareness about sexual assault that Jeff Flake has ever done for any cause, ever. Unless that cause is “being another Very Concerned brow-

Dr. Ford told the truth. She was credible. Brett Kavanaugh lied. We all saw it. Decent people should never ever let Brett and his supporters forget it. No decent person should rest until he is removed from the court.

“Of course the open border advocate would invite those loud, lawless women. I think America has had just about enough of this divisive, hateful politics! People used to be so nice when you sprayed them with bug spray for trying to integrate a lunch counter. What happened to the ideals of Martin Luther King?”

He’ll finish having tea with her, describe the experience as a “pleasant, rich exchange of ideas” and then accuse her of plotting 9/11 in a Tweet two days later.

When I worked at Starbucks almost 20 years ago, I got written up a few times for not following the dress code. I swore that one day vengeance would be mine.

In my original post I was going to write about how in the movie the game was played by illiterate peasants and that would be the icing on the cake for a clueless asshole plutocrat like Bloomberg, that his head would be being batted around by the proletariat . But I still consider brevity to be the soul of wit. So here

You’d think they’d use the reboot as an excuse to get out from under the actors’ likenesses and try to give the franchise a new life, rather than keeping it stuck in the nostalgia zone. 

For many Buffy ended in 2003, but it continued in comics until fairly recently. The story went on, Angel went evil again and killed Giles, Giles came back as a young teen, and all sorts of things happened. Why reboot Buffy? Because people are still reading the comics.

yeah, and Giles should be a leather daddy with a BDSM dungeon below the library. Great idea.  

fantastic choice. You win.

I like both of those!

Well that’s a beat I’m never getting out of my head...

Moulin Rouge is my favorite musical of all time, purely due to the brilliant musical adaptations done. The Elephant Love Melody is so well done.

I noticed that while Dreamgirls got a mention, unless I missed it, it didn’t receive any further analysis. Didn’t fit the article’s narrative? I recall it being pretty well done with amazing singing (and a lackluster acting performance from Jamie Foxx).

The headline is too click-bait to take seriously, but this was a good article, if a bit too harsh. I’ll agree that most modern directors don’t know how to shot dancers - or singers - but I’d nominate; the “I wanna hold your hand” scene in Across The Universe; “Someone in the Crowd” and the alternative history epiloque

I think Mamma Mia is much, much worse. And Nine, oh god, Nine. I’m actually half-fine with the movie of Les Miserables. For me it never really stumbles the same way. It just isn’t especially inventive. I do think the live singing thing is pretty cool, as much as it was leaned on as a marketing hook.

Not if you paid me money.