
That’s Ben Stiller in a fat suit. Sure of it.

Not allowed to have Bond villains be this sexy any more.


I wish he’d die.

generally covers genre entertainment specifically relating to sci-fi and fantasy.

It’s an overrated movie. Move on.

The only reason he was in the CIA was to get there. Everything in his life was done to get on that throne. He had a big monologue about it.

Why is Jay and Silent Bob being covered by this site?

Whatever. Just make Hazel nude for the entirety of season 2 please.

Number 5 is so Max Fischer.

Yeah like look how much he fucked himself with him traveling through time alone.

It kind of had it all. I’m hoping (?) that Isaac has a plan.


She’s not running for president.

I’ve got some terrible new for you.


The Orville sure was a kick in the teeth last week. Looking forward to see how this is resolved.

Hader is so good in anything he does.

I’d be all over this if Fred Armisen wasn’t involved. That dude’s fucked up. Oh, and not funny.