
Minority Report is not a good film. Sorry you have poor taste. 

He’s objectively bad. He has family who involved with talent agency and casting, and that’s why he gets rolls. He’s apparently a likable guy and easy to work with, but he has no business being in front of the camera.

The dude cast Brad Johnson as one of the four leads in a movie opposite Richard Dreyfus, Holly Hunter, and John Goodman. An actor so bad, he has just about disappeared from movies altogether. You can go through ever Steven Spielberg movie and find shitty performances. Do you think he has some kind of armor that

I’ve never claimed to have written since the 90s. I said I’ve been using the name burlivesleftnut. That’s not the name I write under. I’m not sure what your over-rated comment means. As for Ives’ acting, he was a character actor. Do you know what that is? Acting like a gruff old asshole in his roles was his forte. But

Yeah famed EGOT winner Burl Ives is complete trash, but I’ve been using this nom de plume online since about 1997... because I’m also a chubby chasing queer who finds Burl Ives to be delicious to look at.

and the world is a better place for it

he’s not a good actor, and I’m a paid critic with a laundry list of degrees in film studies. And a masters. And people who can’t act get work all the time. Like at Jim Parsons.

You’re right Tim Blake Nelson does indeed resemble as asshole who should remain hidden.

eek wow no he is terrible

he’s been in two of his movies and not in big roles. I just looked over Tim Blake Nelson’s page and he’s working, but not in anything great.

Yeah I have the same hang up about a few other actors. But for the most part, they can act.

Yeah, two. The Coens.


Sorry Coens. I love practically everything you do, but watching Tim Blake Nelson is like holding a curling iron to my eyes. And he’s not even a good actor.

Why are you writing a post about it then?

libertarians are just republicans who a) want to smoke weed and b) fuck kids.

Okay, now that we’ve heard from a republican, anyone else have anything of value to add?

that ref never gonna fuck you


I don’t get the big deal. The ancient nappy wearing voters are never going to give truly popular movies the recognition they deserve, so why not have a separate category? They always flub it up. Like Lord of the Rings Fellowship should have one instead of the turgid finale.