
why is this a competition?!?

I like how Alex Jones thinks infowars getting banned from places is the top story in the country. What a lunatic.

“they weren’t working out” is a gross over-simplification, and at no point did I say Drax was replaceable.

Marvel also replaced Ed Norton with Mark Ruffalo, fyi.

There should be a nostalgia entry that includes any more or cartoon released before 1990. This way, we can lump star wars, ghostbusters, whatever else the fuck boy nerds get mad about when girls or PoC get involved.

oh whatever... you guys are so weird. I’m not a Sanders supporter. I’m a supporter of social democracy. And more people to align with a platform that’s good for the wellbeing of American citizens--especially the disenfrachised--is welcome.

no she wouldn’t... we embrace politicians who have, you know, actual populist ideas. anyone can change, and we don’t discourage it.

he could have boosted it

This blobfish Mercedes SLR. I actually don’t know if it’s a good car, but it’s an ugly ugly design that looks like a limp dick.

Driving back from Portland to Los Angeles Thanksgiving weekend on I-5, traffic just stopped. We had no idea why. This was 2007 and we didn’t even have GPS in the car. When traffic did move it was only a few feet at a time. We even turned on the radio to see if there were any reports of some major accident, but no word

I like Dark World mainly because the climax of the film is so fun and beautifully rendered. I liked it much better than Thor for that matter, but yes Malekith sucked.

left an abusive relationship

One of the best years of my life!

It is a very exciting and scary movie. I think it’s my favorite of the first three after years of watching them.

Caitlin PenzeyMoog wins this round. What makes it worse is that the entire group are seemingly a bunch of lovable grandma and grandma types.


I am also partial to dogs. Honestly I think Bryan Cranston was a poor choice, or wasn’t give proper direction.

I fell asleep ten minutes in and then woke up 20 minutes before the end, so... sure?

Yeah I have no idea what the point of it was and he’s my favorite filmmaker. 

I have a list of celebs I’d actually want to beat me up.