
As someone whose done porn, I can tell you it is.

I don't think this psychopath understood what reddit's childfree forum is about (it's about people who choose not to have children, not murdering your child to be free of them). I visit the forum as it's a good place to get support and share stories with other 30-something women who are endlessly haranged about their

/nosleep is a subforum of fictional stories created by users, and the entire reason the comments are supportive is that everyone must play along and pretend the story is real or else they're deleted/banned.

This isn't really weird but I thought that I'd share it because I finally had an experience that made me better understand what women have to deal with every day.

Hahahah! Yeah all those sluts with their abortions need to be put under a man's control, because even in your fantasies that's the only way a hot chick will ever fuck you. Why don't you go back to masturbating to forced blowjobs and leave the adults to handle adult matters?

Every post I've noticed from you was whining about how oppressed you are as a white guy. I prefer nywoman92's routine to yours, how 'bout you fuck off back to reddit?

You're clearly only paying attention to the posts where I'm talking about race because I don't ONLY talk about that on Kinja blogs, and even if I did, so what? I have a right to be outraged at racism. Don't like it? Don't read my posts. You're refusing to acknowledge the fact that I'm not racist and I don't lump every

As a male, I have always firmly believed that my "stance" regarding abortion is completely irrelevant. I also firmly believe that if you want to settle the "issue" (actually not an issue at all but a female health concern, but I digress) once and for all you hold a national vote. The caveat: only women between 18-50

If that's what you learned from those comments, I feel sorry for you.

wait, "there is room for reasonable debate on subjects as controversial as pedophilia"????

can only rape victims discuss rape?

Context matters my friend:

Maybe she's like Morello. Only one date and she's convinced he is her fiance. (Everything in life is related back to Orange is the New Black this week)

I have a bone to pick with men who have young daughters and toss around the word "slutty." It's fucking laughable that you fear a pair of nipples and butt cheeks will somehow turn your precious flower into a harlot.

Except that it legitimately is different and reclaiming the word for use by the oppressed is just never the same as the oppressor using the word. And lots of black people do not say it either. White people can't say it. Full stop. The end. Get over it. No big loss.

I only represent one woman, but, no. That said, as we all know, this kind of violation isn't really about what you're photographing—it's about doing it without the person's consent. And since I don't lady-wank to a lack of consent OR to a guy who is basically just sans shirt, there's nothing in it for me.

This is why there is porn, pictures of women nearly naked everywhere and yet...these guys still do this. It tells you something, namely that they do it because they get off on the lack of consent, on the predatory nature of it. That's was really grosses me out.

Funny you should say that, I've done a lot of work in the T&A business and Hooters customers were way worse behaved than the gentlemen at the strip club or cam show viewers. I thought Hooters would be like stripping with less acro but it was just as hard for crappier tips and worse treatment. The food service element

Yes, but their wealth has no "self-support" involved. They don't pay for their health insurance (a huge boon with a family that size, literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and a benefit of his single term as an Arkansas state legislator that he makes no attempt to hide is the only reason he ran for

Don't engage with that Rhayn clown — he once told a rape victim in a reply that because she was traumatized and wasn't able to press charges that she would be morally responsible if her rapist raped again (his analogy was "giving a knife to someone you know is going to stab somebody," which was GREAT)