
I would gladly take that bet. The models who are complaining are the ones who are no name faces, struggling to pay rent, and are most likely to be abused because they have no power. The ones with free designer shit are Heidi Klum, Miranda Kerr, and Karlie Kloss, and they are the ones who go to the Met Gala.  

Physician here — the shitty thing about these laws are that hospitals are using them to pressure docs re: privileges, i.e. threatening to revoke hospital privileges if a doc violates the law. And once you’ve lost your privileges at one hospital, you are basically fucked to ever get them anywhere else, bc you have to

These Lagerfeld quotes sound eerily just like Trump.

Yeah considering Shiv’s well-documented issues with her mother and the back and forth with Tom about getting pregnant last season, I don’t think they’d just drop the bomb that she’s pregnant and not follow up on it. It’s a pretty great ticking bomb in almost every Shiv scene right now, though.

There are undoubtedly original recordings all over the place (it is basically impossible to erase digital copies of things these days). Greg could eliminate any doubt about how and why it was changed, but likely a forensic expert could also show what happened and prove it could not be accidental. If Greg is

Saw him early on during this tour, there was more on his relationships and less on the pre-rehab stories and as part of a comedy special I can see how they easily were cut from the set as the tour went on. The audience might want to know more, but those stories are raw and don’t work as well as stand up bits. 

I was reading a bit about Crowder’s divorce. While the his wife was pregnant he chose to get an elective surgery, so that while he was recuperating. he would miss the birth of his twins. Then after recuperating, he moved out the family home and retained a divorce lawyer. When the wife found out she filed for divorce

The conservatives who hate cancel culture are sure doing their damnedest to get rid of Dylan Mulvaney. Because goodness knows that letting her simply live her life is just to dangerous to let be.

So I guess Kid Rock will now be unleashing his assault rifle on Maybelline products now?  That should be fun.

Boo hoo.

Peter Thiel is a self-loathing gay, and helped create and foment the toxic environment in the party to which he belongs. He would be fine with the “fake culture wars” if they were working.

What message does this Pentagon policy send to female service members who are or may become pregnant?

Clearly the problem is not enough guns! 

Hopefully Smedley, his Cuban ’Handler’/ Pool Boy, had the emergency thermos of Mint Julips freshly poured off screen along with the selection from the ‘Spring’ drawer of his favorite fans.

In fairness, Lindsey was giving that straw man a fearsome threshing!

If it wasn’t so depressing, it would be kind of hilarious that his “long-term expertise and technical skills” meant jacking fucking shit when it came to not fucking up and killing an innocent bystander. Very reminiscent of banks insisting that TARP restrictions on bonuses would not allow them to maintain the elite

Defund the Police... Defund them right now.

I don’t get it.

I hate rapists, I think rapists should be raped and murdered.