
we can expect transphobes to continue trying to do this to other authors besides Blume and Atwood & other well known creatives across the board, they have nothing to stand on and they’re desperate.

“But the most fascinating thing of all is telling people in a capitalist society to not worry about acquiring more capital.” How is that not me calling out capitalism and also where have you been? People have been calling out capitalism in this country for at least one hundred years 

I’m willing to accept that an 85 year old might not know all the ins and outs of a Twitter controversy.

nah, she’s no less capable than her brothers who are also equally as prone to “spiral”. Argument being that none of them are truly that capable of running an industry that has serious impacts on the world around them.

No fucking way Logan is underlining—unless he draws a smiley face next it. Sorry, sure my grandma liked to underline every word on the birthday cards, but Logan won’t even hug his grandkids. Kendall knows it’s not an underline which is apparent in why he’s questioning his father’s love.

The Democrats are a corrupt right wing party that only cares about serving donors so they can get paid. They won’t do anything to fight for abortion rights. They won’t do anything about obviously corrupt people like Clarence Thomas. They don’t care.

Except for running Twitter. 

“I’ve been called a racist, a misogynist, a white supremacist more in the last two months than I have my entire life,”

“have to go back a third time” (when waiting and taking a pregnancy test would be possible and preferable)

I think it is clear that the Supreme Court will issue a similar ruling, which means court intrusion into the expert decisions of a government agency based on nothing more than pure political beliefs.

Daejhanae Jackson is female, that’s why BuriedAliveOpener was confused.

The problem is that rules are subject to change with the administration. We’ve seen that with the Title IX ping pong since 2015. HHS should change the rule, but that doesn’t mean we can stop the work on closing the loophole through law as well.

If I’m following the memo correctly, it unfortunately doesn’t cover those who self manage abortions where it’s illegal unless they’re receiving emergency care/covered by the EMTALA.

I appreciate the depth of the prison-abolition issue, and appreciate your attempts to untangle it in front of a crowd of not-wholly-sympathetic strangers on the internet. It’s hugely important, and a lot to think about, and deserves a lot more than some of the tone-deaf shit it’s getting here. Bravo/a to you for not

If a Senator is unable to fulfill their duties (i.e., not present to vote due to health reasons) on a committee it would be in the interest of the ___(party, Senate, constituents, country, etc.) for that Senator to step aside and let someone else do the job. I think the Senator’s party leader is able to

if Silva knew about the alleged abortion planning as it was happening, that weakens his case for winning damages.

They extremely obviously are not term limits when we have elections for every office (in this context) yet some explicitly ALSO HAVE TERM LIMITS. If they were the same, then both would not exist.

By “protect life” they mean potential life that has no voice, that they can twist and spin however they want. If they actually wanted to help or protect women and other pregnant people, they’d treat them like human beings. But it’s clear they don’t believe they are human beings. Not really. Just incubators.

I’m pretty sure mass shootings have occurred before social media, but go off Professor. It’s weird you’re blaming “liberals” when you also say gun laws won’t do shit. Who is asking for them then, conservatives? Then you say, “it is what it is,” resigning yourself to accepting mass violence, offering nothing to the

I think you are making claims that you are probably too young to make. As BuriedAlive indicated, Angelina definitely had a less than immaculate reputation both before and after her transformation into Saint Angie.