
He couldn't pronounce Syzlak.

Extended Rocky and Bullwinkle recreation for the couch gag: Brilliant, Lazy, or Lazylliant?

I'm tellin' ya, it's the timing.

I'm not gay, but I can learn.

Woozle Wuzzle?

Gooble Gobble?

(pours one out for The Dissolve, currently replaced by a Starbucks that was then replaced by another Starbucks)

Well, I see no reason anyone might find that disturbing…

I already said this, but the real problem with those gags is they just sit there. I assumed they were handwaving Apu's Hinduism so he could do something important later, but then he just disappears. And does Superpower Again Russia ever contribute anything to the plot, other than the classic "not a porn star" bit?

Better or worse than Operation Restore Hope?

The AV Club
How rebellious! In a conformist sort of way.

"While it’s strange to think of an episode where Homer loses his job, becomes a submarine captain, and causes an international incident as “tightly written,” it is."
The review didn't even get into half of the (checks calculator) twenty kazillion plotlines that show up here and go nowhere (what does it matter if

I've been saying this since I started reading comics. That way someone other than the turbonerds will know what the fuck is going on!

Hey, it's all Aronofsky, right?

"Oh, shit, that's Superman! Run!"

That was when Ray Winstone Was Totally Nakers.

Scuse me while I get that image out of my head with a power drill…

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
- CS Lewis

This conversation has been rated R.

Now throw in more bloodless Uzi fights!