
(Five months later)
Oh, honey…

Real, actual tagline: "Stalin's tyranny could destroy their country. But not their love."

And teaching a black dude a lesson in tolerance while she learns absolutely nothing!

Ameeeeeeeerica, Ameeeeeeeeerica…

Yo dog, I heard you like caps lock…

He's kinda sorta quoting Dostoyevsky - there's a passage where Aloysha Karamazov said he used to want to love humanity but realized the more he did, the less he loved people.

I mean, cut them some slack - they knew punk was old. Batman brought him up because Robin asked him how cool it was to grow up in the punk rock era.

What I'm getting from this is that you're Trumpy from Mystery Science Theater. Accurate?

Aren't you supposed to not have a head?

Especially Nabin!

He admits he rolled a joint in the song…

S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T!

Why is that not real?

What did the Hmong ever do to you?

Let's haul ass to Lollapalooza!

…who is he talking to?


Look out, Itchy!