“Hey, you have other kids too, right?”
“Hey, you have other kids too, right?”
“A [adjective] [celebrity] does [his/her] best on a [synonym for mediocre] SNL”
so did the Lego Movie with “Everything is Awesome!”
Is there a moment where one Will Smith starts wailing on the other Will Smith screaming “Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!”
Yeah, War Letters isn’t the sort of bit that earns plaudits from comedy critics - it’s a recurring sketch, it’s a pretty simple concept, it’s just a couple actors looking into the camera for a few minute. But it’s also consistently funny, which is sort of the whole point of the endeavor.
I liked Louise’s idea of saving that one for another occasion.
Who could forget the saga of Angry Dad?
Let’s take a moment to recognize after years of almost being an afterthought by Fox (despite being its best animated show, maybe best show) with having its time slot constantly jerked or preempted by football, Bob’s Burgers got the attention it deserves with the 9pm Primetime slot. Well deserved and long past due.
What the hell is a zoomer?
what are they looking at here? the sign that is BEHIND them?
This is so bizarre after watching this video today:
but a guy in 20's playing a high schooler?
You’re not required to say everything you think.
This thread has been an education. There are a lot of people in the grays who are *enraged* at the very idea that one might seek out spoilers in advance for a film. It’s like spoiler culture has taken such deep root that not only do people want to avoid spoilers for themselves, they want to make sure that no one,…
Spoiler Space used to be a regular feature on AVC and the title spoils nothing. You don’t have to read it.
He is a deeply stupid and insecure person. He thinks he’s getting a rise but all I feel is sadness for the people in his life.
Nah, should have had Lincoln kill Booth with a flamethrower...