
And according to Law and Order, everyone who works at a bodega has witnessed at least three murders.

When you have 97% support for your position, you’re making it up. That’s like Saddam Hussein’s election results.

So does that mean he’s an early-rising prostitute, or he’s pregnant with Benjamin Button?

I think my favorite part of the Veggie Tales one is the copyright notice. Very important they protect the IP rights of their inappropriate 9/11 memorial.

Skyline Chili haunts my nightmares, and I’ve only seen pictures of it.

“New York City makes the best pizza in the country, we are delighted to present an eclectic tasting of the best pizza in NYC?!”


Judi Dench?

Meach? Obviously, it should be Bleach.

I was about to say that would be the most gruesome thing the show could do, until I remembered that they had Ramsay Bolton cook and eat Theon’s penis.

“Jon has been bending the knee to the Dragon Queen (and a whole lot more)“

I once drank a green juice. And yes, I absolutely would wish that torture upon Steve Bannon.

I live just far enough outside my town that the only place that delivers to me is a *shudders* Papa John’s. Luckily, there’s a brewery on the way home from work that also has excellent pizza, but that doesn’t help much on a lazy, pants-less Sunday.

The same thing kept happening to me on mobile.


Wow Del Toro, way to make me feel like an asshole for making fun of you yesterday.

I feel like I can’t trust anything Dan Casey says because he used the word “spooktacular.”

I had the same reaction to Paranormal Activity, for basically the same reason; I was looking for holes to poke in the movie, and they’re easy to find when you look.

Christ, Del Toro, if you don’t want us to joke that you delay or cancel every project, don’t make it so damn easy.