
He’s the one MRA who knows they’re actually trilbys.

*suppresses Trump joke, pops blood vessel*

This fight is the dumbest thing in history and I will read every word written about it.

Kind of, they updated it to work on modern PCs. I don’t think it’s a full remaster though.

I think there’s only six episodes next season, though, leaving seven total remaining.

I think. I had to count on my fingers.

Doesn’t the “Cersei on the Iron Throne” over/under need updating? There aren’t 8.5 episodes left in the series.

“When Ernie the Kinja Tech isn’t around, everyone should be asking, Where’s Ernie?”

I, er, would also like to express my fondness for that particular album.

And tell O'Neal and Teti I said "hello."

"To install Kinja on your site, press any key."

Rap skips a generation. That's why those rapping grannies are so good at it.

I had to hunt down the courier who was running the film reels to the theater in the next town.

Yay! Now I can support Teti by actually watching it, instead of just saying that I might, someday, on the nonexistent possibility that I might actually get cable again.

What about a film adaptation of "Punisher Meets Archie?"

Doesn't it burn coming out?


I honestly thought Bronn was going to go for his gold and get killed then.

"It's Boner Time!"

This is the most exquisite comment/username synergy I think I've ever seen.

I did a double-take when that happened.