
The AV Club

Great article but the wording scared me - with all the past-tense references to the wing suit, I was scared it was gone in this one.

God, I miss these games. I keep my Wii around just for GameCube games, Tony Hawk chief among them. I never put much time into Mat Hoffman, but I still have a copy that'll get booted up real soon.

It’s a boy dog. Dogs are boys, cats are girls. It’s science.

Not true - the taco was the first to dial 911.


Came here for the saganaki, was not disappointed.

If it’s the 1+2 package, I don’t think it’s a big file size, I think it’s just that one game is on the cart and you download the other.

Where The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?

That’s it, Magary. Hand in your gun and your badge.

He directed a movie with Jeff Goldbloom.

All of these companies, however, work for Jason, and delay games at his every whim.

In related news, Sean Connery has just entered the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election.

Missionary. We don’t want Kinja to enjoy it.

Thanks, Sean/Kinja techs!

I only minored in it (there’s a gross Roy Moore joke in there) but here’s my analysis:

Clearly, you meant that it landed like a Led Zeppelin.

I feel like there should be more Martha Box jokes in this comment thread.

Wouldn’t it be more fiber?

That’s not true! Why, I’m reading this right — hold on —