
I'm somehow less excited, despite thinking it was not physically possible.

Technically, many queens are former princesses.

"Technically useful," of course, being the best kind of useful.

I am delighted that the Hodor sign was technically the most useful.

Wouldn't that require them to change the name to "HoTrain?"

You might want to add an "allegedly" or "likely" before the bit about him violating the law. Not because I disagree or think he didn't, but… *points at Gawker, tugs collar nervously*

The real tip-off was the one done in Comic Sans.

Everybody tries praying, so the lines are all busy. Gotta go more direct if you really want to get through. It's like calling a fancy restaurant for reservations on the public phone number, you never get them that way.

How else are we supposed to get ahold of him?

He has actually taken the Stunner. He did not sell it well.

But repetitiveness is my job! My job! Repetitiveness is my job!

No one here is happy!

Yvan eht Kinpolaj

There's no place for pedantry on The AV Club.

*Justin Trudeau narrows eyes, clenches fists*

I give this comment 6.2/10.

Nooooooo, we're NEVER sarcastic on *The A.V. Club!*

Obviously Mmmbop.

For his blunders!

I was hoping he'd lost weight, so I could say "Where's the Beef?"