

Where does Momcorp fit in to this?

Who the fuck are you?

If she does a Superman Punch, I'm going to stop watching.

Great, now I'm going to spend the rest of the day saying "Alanis Moranis" under my breath and giggling.

Legitimately thought my browser broke.

"It is true, your honor, that I was not the first to mime the stroking motion. However, I believe the courts should recognize my claim to the ejaculatory flourish at the end of the motion."

*Herman Cain briefly perks up before sitting back down, dejected*

Dammit, are you people really going to make me say it out loud?

The first human to encounter aliens will be a man dressed as the Hamburglar.

I thought handball was a solo sport?

Chicago is still mad they got out-corrupted by Rio.

It's a toss-up between that and a heart attack.


It takes ages to make these games, they're not just trying to cash in on The Mummy.


Mine sounds like the ocean when you hold it up to your ear.

It physically hurt to type it.

I apologize in advance for this joke.

I feel like the Bond movies are grandfathered in from a time where that didn't matter as much. I'm genuinely curious how they handle the first post-Craig one.