
I love all of you.

I don't even want to know what's in the frogurt.

So strongly related, it was in the article!

The proper response is "D'oh!"

Beloved Chicago weatherman Tom Skilling?

Karen Elson's new album, Double Roses.

Thomas Pynchon.

I'm a Millennial, not a monster!

I am strongly considering getting this even though there is basically no reason for this to be on vinyl.


AJ Styles' inner monologue:

Never expected Michael Cole to admit to knowing what Final Fantasy is.

There was some piece of fabric or debris in the ring during the IC match, but it looked like it was hopping around, so I decided it was a frog. Then Corbin stepped on it, and it stopped moving.


It didn't even occur to me that the guard didn't know, I thought that was scripted too.

Challenge accepted.

Between him getting the pin on Tye Dillinger last night and eliminating Zayn tonight, he just keeps breaking my fragile little heart.

My back hurt watching Riot take that fall.

*takes back upvote*

Don't worry, there's still a never-ending stream of those jokes to make.