
The other two replies are correct; the SMG had no “park” position so it had to be left in neutral with the handbrake on.

>> Cute Animals, But The Management Sucks

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Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

“His name is Jock Strap King” and “He’s stronger than you think.”

Yes, it’s Mike Mayock! The football sensation that’s sweeping the nation! Only $14.95 at participating stores! Get one today!

I don’t blame people for wanting info, but that, in my mind, does not mean they’re entitled to it. I’m a huge Schumi fan, and it’s so hard not to know how he’s doing, but it’s also not my nor anybody else’s right to know that.

His family doesn’t owe anyone other than Michael Schumacher anything. If they feel that keeping his status in the family is the right thing to do, more power to them.

I have said this several times, let them hit the fence line and then have a couple A-10s do a strafing run about 50 meters in front of the dumbasses. That should stop 95% of them. The 5% that dont stop well that is what claymores, mortars and snipers are for, if there are too many to stop that way (highly unlikely but

Probably not the smartest move, but honestly, I’d like to see more acts of good sportsmanship like it.  Argue away Turner!

CHP: We are closing the highway to the danger zone.

There once was an idiot from Limerick,

cheaper than a Yeti.

We don’t need to watch every tape” - Robert Kraft

Ah yes, the old “here’s what a long-running franchise looks like from the outside” article, combined with the “smart person tries to dumb themselves down to appreciate escapist pop culture phenomenon” article. Creative stuff. Do we really need more of these?

The worst part of this experience is that there’s now incontrovertible video proof that he attended an O’s game.

“I’m so fucking sick of this shit.”

Look at this piece of shit

Capital One giving out free coffee and snacks is amateur hour. My dry cleaner gives out free hot dogs on the weekend so I grabbed one, got in my car, took a bite and it immediately shat mustard all over my thighs and shorts.  Now THAT is playing the long game bitches.