
This ... this does not need to be made into a movie. Especially not a JLaw movie.

Ah yes, let’s make snarky comments about a super talented young musician for getting inspired by something we might not understand.

I love how you keep assigning terrible motives to people you’ve never met. Great job.

I kind of hate Rainn Wilson.

You’re making a very loaded argument and have no evidence that the gorilla would rip the child to shreds. That was not what happened. Was it risky? Sure. But there are some risks involved when you go to a zoo and don’t watch your kids. Deal with it. If your kid ran into the street would you be ok with a sharpshooter

the medical and science community remains skeptical and divided (much as they do over the existence of Chronic Lyme much as they do over the existence of climate change, the vaccine-autism link, and the health risks of GMOs) its effectiveness.

Oh for fuck’s sake:

It’s the Epstein-Barr of the millennium.

I felt bad for people who thought they had chronic Lyme disease until I commented on a People magazine article about Yolanda Hadid that comparing Lyme disease to the AIDS epidemic of the early 80s was offensive.

I thought the chronic part was where you smoked trees 24/7 to help with the joint stiffness.

How generous of you to not have a problem when I have a glass once in awhile.

While I do think the Kardashians are the putrid fruit of our current society, this doesn’t offend me as much as Nicki Minaj taking $2 mil to perform for the corrupt Angola president.

But for viewers who aren’t yet at the parenting stage, the inundation with negative stories about that next step is frustrating and depressing. Watching them, it’s easy to wonder why anyone would procreate at all.

a cool thing about doing EMDR/ truama therapy is that i feel like i’m no longer a victim or a survivor. it’s like a thing that happened that i no longer have any connection to

What even is that horrid short length?! These are athletes. Give me thigh or give me death!