
“Grandmother”? For real? this woman being older makes it ok to call her grandmother in an article about her legal marihuana efforts? Every time we talk about someone in their 10's we should start refering them as “daughters” or even better, “non-mothers”. “Non-mother Jennifer Lawrence releases statement”. “Daughter

Actually, it basically is.

ADDENUM: Something that is basically as smart and emotionally complex as a human. In a fucking cage. For our fucking entertainment. Without agency or power over it;s own life or environment.

Yolanda? Is that you?

Some illnesses can be chronic. Others can’t. Like chronic flu is not a thing. Chronic asthma is. And so on and so forth.

What you are describing is Post-Lyme Syndrome. It’s the manifestation of the damage to the nervous system cause by Lyme after the infection is cleared. Chronic Lymse Disease is a complete other, made up, bogust thing were people believe they have an infection hiding in “biofilms” deep in their bodies only cured by

Chronic Lyme Disease is the latest made-up affliction affecting all rich people with nothing better to do than dream up vague symptoms and pay the quacks who benefit form it. Stop giving this bullshit press. It does nothing but make snake oil salesmen rich and confuse the public and negatively affect people who suffer

Surely you understand there is a difference between occasional and excessive?

Concern troll, hi! Nice to meet you. you do realize that driving, walking on the street, eating raw vegetables and cheeses, owning a dog or cat, all pose a risk to a fetus, right? As well as obesity, a less-than-deal diet, too much time sitting down, and more. Do you police pregnant women who drive, work in an office,

So... her using this hairstyle is not cultural appropriation why?

That is the right approach to trauma, EMDR or not. Research supports this idea. A lot of things happen to us in life, but using the word survivor keeps the event in the present, always looming, on you like part of your identity.

Planes board pretty fast when everyone is around the exit. and when the doors close they close.

So... she was just late for her flight? Yeah, gates close. Planes work that way. no different if you are pumping, shitting, or getting dirty in the executive lounge shower. Planes don’t wait.

I always wanted her to be my friend for some reason. Ilike people who go all out and don’t give a fuck.

Maybe the cake was her muffin.

Am I the only one who really DGAF about Beyonce? Plus, what the fuck even is a visual album. You released an album with music videos. Clap clap clap.