Karl Mueller

Wake up, pal. WE are assholes. Any sane alien would stay well away from us. 

Any alien species with the ability to visit here would undoubtedly be far too intelligent to get anywhere near our violent, evil species. 

“Believe what I tell you, not your lying eyes!”

“Dust Bowl II: The Extinction”, coming soon. Reserve your seats now.

Sure. Rote tasks that are mainly muscle memory go better with a little music, but when you have to concentrate it becomes time to turn that stuff off. When I ran kitchens, prep time called for some good tunes to keep the flow going, but once service began the music went off. 

“Lauren”? More like KAREN Boebert. Elected officials should be held to a higher standard, not given passes for childish behaviors.

Nice. I think I’d dust mine with a little turbinado before air frying them. Of course, I’d keep an eye out to avoid burning it, but at 300 degrees, I don’t see how it would be a huge issue. Add some immediate flavor and crunch with a little caramelized sugar. Turnovers can seem a little bland and doughy at times.

Just more evidence of how guns keep people safe. Police don’t really need a reason to shoot you, but drawing down on them pretty much FORCES them to shoot you. And this “sovereign citizen” nonsense? Only rich people can get away with horseshit like that...

Great idea. Let’s show up at the restaurant while the crew is still busy prepping for the dinner rush. The best cooks they have won’t be at work yet, and the ones working will be preoccupied with their prep list, so we’ll get substandard food. And those “early bird specials”? Yeah, let’s find out what they’re trying

Someone is badly in need of a “blanket party”.

It’s pretty clear that this idiot hasn’t changed much. He should direct some of those opinions toward his OWN behavior for once...

The American Taliban at work. The only real difference is the headgear.

He should be rooming with Masterson.

The goal is to learn the material, otherwise you wouldn’t be in the class. Jjust another example of “shortcuts” being a bad idea. Particularly in higher education, where you are PAYING for this knowledge, it simply makes no sense. Rote learning will also never be a valid substitute for comprehension. It may get you a

The Packers are looking like geniuses right now. Bold prediction: Aaron Rodgers never plays another snap in the NFL. 

You could just commit a felony. They’d never bother you again...

Since THC stays in your system for a matter of WEEKS, how exactly do we determine that someone is “driving stoned”? I’m reminded of the old Steve Martin “Let’s Get Small” routine. 

Then you drink it.

“Pro-Life”, you say? So, how many have you adopted so far?

Insurance on a car like that must be utterly absurd, or do the ridiculously rich just eat the loss in cases like this?