Karl Mueller

There is a word that applies BEAUTIFULLY to situations such as this.

Try the French onion soup route, and do a sherry reduction with some fresh thyme once you’ve caramelized them, finished off with a nice splat of good quality beef base. S&P to taste, then add your sour cream, labneh, or even a non-dairy alternative. 

Isn’t bad taste mandated in the Florida Constitution? 

Is he starting to realize that entitlement has limits yet? It doesn’t souind like it.

The simple fact is that NOBODY on either “side” is doing even CLOSE to what we have to do to save this planet for future generations. We clearly need more options. Biden LIED about issuing new oil drilling contracts, so he can’t be trusted to lead us in the right direction, and everyone knows what we’ll get with

We have reached the era of zero personal responsibility. Even if you are ass enough to PAY someone to run YOUR social media accounts for you, you should STILL own the content. What a CLOWN...

I was once violently assaulted for expressing my opinion of panko breadcrumbs. Fortunately for me, I was wearing a motorcycle helmet at the time. I still maintain that you are better off eating the box they came in...now let me get my hat.

There’s much more to this than racism. 118 Americans have died from gun violence EVERY DAY so far this year. Does it really matter what shade of HUMAN they were? We are all one race, and about as different from each other as the proverbial “peas in a pod” from a genetic perspective. Our “leaders” are leading us down a

At last count, 118 people have died of gun violence EVERY DAY this year. How much more evidence do we really need that guns keep NOBODY safe?

“Campaigning”? You mean FUNDRAISING. Why do we need a primary this time, anyway? Both parties have already chosen their nominees, after all. 

She looks like a completely different person than the Klobuchar of 10 years ago. Still the same sellout, though. “Bipartisan”, my ass. She’s an example of everything wrong with our political system. We deserve so much better than these career GRIFTERS.

I like the idea, but I think I’ll just go ahead and rotisserie my own chicken, too, since I CAN...hahaha....

This isn’t about race, it’s about his refusal to hire a lawyer. He makes too much money to be allotted a public defender, it would seem. This is why you hire a lawyer. If you don’t play the game by the rules, the system is very much inclined to kneel on your neck. History repeats itself because so many of us are too

They COULD have done it in TRUE Atlanta style by dragging him out and lynching him. I guess orange is closer to white than it is to Black....

They aren’t democrats. They should change the name to the Corporatist Party. And the Republicans? The Fascist Party, of course, although that doersn’t sound like much of a party. We desperately need MORE OPTIONS. This coin toss shit is killing us...

What, until Trump gets re-elected? Haven’t you been paying any attention to history? “We The People” are a bunch of IDIOTS.

Of course, the irony here is that Biden, as a practicing Catholic, is actually ideologically AGAINST abortion. Or is he? Does it even matter? It’s all up to John “The Dread Pirate” Roberts, anyway.

“Grown up” is when you realize what a colossal asshole James Bond is.

The next species to go extinct needs to be the POLITICIAN.

I’ve felt that “crypto” was a scam from the first time I heard about it many years ago, and very little has transpired in the interim to alter that opinion. Suckerbait always seems to have that SMELL about it...