Karl Mueller

I could think of a few things...but they would involve altruism and a certain amount of human kindness, so I guess this is what it is.

“Blood mixed with shit”...and I thought Marilyn Manson had quit flying commercial.

In a past life, I used to work saute at a fine dining place in the Midwest, and an enterprising co-worker decided we needed more heat, so he took the spreaders home one night, and drilled them all out a little. Can you say FLAMBE? 

Perhaps things like this are the true cost of that “celebrity” status that so many vain idiots aspire to. Those of us who seek anonymity seldom face such annoyances.

Anyone who uses any of this garbage is a sucker. No way around that fact.

Our government becomes more like Pro Wrestling every day. Bring on the CAGE MATCHES!

Maybe the man just wants A VACATION. I say we all leave him alone until he wants to jump back into the spotlight. 

As a celebrity herself, she should clearly know better than to do something like this. It seems utterly impossible to me that she hasn’t been on the other side of similar situations before. If you want to meet him, you have your people call his people. That way nobody gets ambushed, slapped, or otherwise made

Sure, for those who like cabbage on their burger. That’s what those “onions” mostly consist of. Why? More consistent product that breaks down less over time. 

Just once I would like to see a judge rule that cops should be tased to gain an understanding of what they are doing. This barbaric shit need to STOP. It’s just an updated version of the BULLWHIP, if you ask me.


Was Roger Stone in any recent tour groups, by any chance?

I have well water, and thanks to the Republicans in my state (NC) I am not allowed to test it. Should be fine...

Why be disingenuous? Instead of “underage fans”, let’s call them what they ARE- children. If this is true, where is LAW ENFORCEMENT?

We need exactly NONE of this, including the two narcissistic asshats in charge of it all.

It appears to me that Cruise’s goal is to die while filming one of these things, and I say GO FOR IT. The man is a waste of air.

Sure, it was undoubtedly much warmer when the planet was first formed. Of course, there was NO LIFE HERE then. Get the point, NUMBNUTS?

It won’t happen. Sad to say, she was toast the moment she set foot on the racist’s property. I’m not saying that’s right, but that’s the way it is. “Stand Your Ground” goes back to the days when people had to worry about someone kicking their door in with murderous intent all because of some minor little detail like

Traffic fatalities are soaring, particularly those of pedestrians. Split all the hairs you want. The next statistic could be YOU.

Just wait until someone runs a red light or crosses the center line. I’ve been in 8 car accidents, and consider myself lucky to be alive. That’s not the best part. I was only driving in ONE of them, and that was on a moped. I’ve never had a license or a car, you see...