Karl Mueller

The “blooming onion” is a monstrosity. Two or three of those things, and it’s time to filter the deep fryer, unless you want granules of black crunchy stuff on anything you try to fry. In light of that, I find it very unlikely that they are good for the consumer or the environment...

I call them the “Extreme Court” now, and their leader “The Dread Pirate”. Perspective is important to keep oneself sane in this day and age.

Of course, the first step is to try to avoid buying too much junk in the first place. The packaging alone can bury you if you’re not careful, particularly when you buy everything online. 

What, no Van Halen reference? Come on, now...

The bit with the steak knife is just silly. I’d even be a little irked at that big gash in the top of my bun. Is the burger that TOUGH? Seriously...

The film would be far more entertaining if it contained any sympathetic characters, although I suppose that would be part of its message.

Without the gun, the situation is benign. Guns keep NOBODY safe, except perhaps in the jungle or on the battlefield. Citizens of a CIVILIZED country have no need for deadly weapons in their home. Guns are for cowards and bullies, not “protection”. Also, over half of the handgun fatalities in this country every year

“Only a flesh wound” takes on a different meaning when it is your flesh that is wounded. If they were unaware of the risk, than why were they searching the kid, and why the “usual” presence of family supervision at school? None of this would have happened had the family had the sense to avoid bringing a deadly weapon

This clown needs to go to Romania and try his shit. I’ve heard they lock misogynist asshats up over there...

Why did you “have” to endure the lies? Does your TV set lack the option to change channels, or simply turn it off? I only watch sports on TV, and then with the sound off. I find that I am significantly less angry since I adopted these practices. Maybe you should try it, too. It was the commercials that drove me to it.

Egg wash is boring. Whisk in some yogurt, or even buttermilk, and you get a nice custardy product that makes for some SERIOUS breading worth the “PITA”.

“Beer fans”? NO. SWILL fans. Accuracy is important.

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” - Mike Tyson

Kicked off the flighht, then arrested for “disorderly conduct”, because he clearly was disorderly. If he complains, tell him “Tough Luck.”

“Screamers” (1995), with Peter Weller (based on a Philip K. Dick story) would be another good one, and the malevolence level is pretty much off the charts.

No batonet? Tsk, tsk...

And then there is casu martzu...the cheese with maggots in it. An aphrodisiac to the Sardinians, which may help to explain why there are so few Sardinians among us.

Anyone not possessing the capability to become pregnant has absolutely no right to COMMENT, much less legislate the behavior and practices of those who do. PERIOD. 

I’ve seen Mallard ducks eating frogs, and even TOADS before. They wash the toads off first, which must remove some of the toxins they exude. Very freaky to witness...

More guns than people in this country, and the ratio is only likely to rise, along with the death toll. We need to apply this “Right to Life” stuff to those already HERE.