
My Yamaha tw125 has something like 11hp, big balloon tyres, gets up to about 60mph. My license restricts me to not go on motorways (I wouldn’t want to), but for town/city/suburbs it’s a hoot.

Easy pickings. Young dumb and full of...beer money. That is until they drink all of their beer money and then realize that they have a car to pay for

The thing is a lot of ‘normal’ cars to hit 130mph (I did it once in a diesel Honda Accord, on private land, constable) so 160mph is a BMW seems pretty do-able.

But they are kind of silly, that’s why people like them.

I didn’t want to like it, but in the end I loved it. And, it’s the other characters that make it so enjoyable. 

Surely it’s not about who is doing what elsewhere but about having the consciousness to lead from the front and make a stand yourself. Once more and more do take a stand it places greater pressure on those not following suit. And if they still refuse, you guys can always go and send over some ‘freedom’. 

They tow up to 3500kg in the EU legally, That’s just shy of 8000lbs.

Loads of these in the UK on the roads now. They look great. I used to have the Ninety and a Defeder 90 Td5 so I wasn’t too sure about these latest reincarnations - they were ridiculously capable off road as a stock vehicle.

I’ll be honest, from what I can see (read) buying a car in the US is just a gauntlet of traps and additional charges.

The 1.9sdi is near indestructble, just like the n/a 1.9d from peugeot/citroen of that era. Low horsepower but just chugged along (fine at motorway speeds) and got around 45mpg (British mpg) . A proper, coarse simple diesel engine which would be ideal to power a narrow boat along the canal.

Now, I know you will all scream that you must and need the freedom to drive what you like, but surely additional license qualifications and categories should prevent people without the necessary driving skill or awareness to operate large, heavy vehicles.

I hope they bring this to EU/UK because in my eyes even the Ranger is looking like a caricature of itself, in fact, all pick-ups for sale in the UK are starting to look ridiculous on the road. 

I treat my cars like poo.

This baffled me when visiting the States when in a supermarket. Why was I paying more for the socks and can of coke than was displayed on the shelf? It’s annoying, but then again, weirder things happen in the world, and I guess it is what you are used to.

I used to have a 1999 Camry 2.2. I bought it because it was an odd-ball choice and you saw very few numbers in the UK. I’ve seen a fair few of the newer Camry, though. They don’t lok that big anymore compared to its contemporaries whereas the older Camry did. 

Probably a 5 series diesel. 

I’m in Leeds and the general Police car is a Peugeot hatchback. For unmarked and pursuit vehicles they tend to be BMW, so either 3 and 5 series or X5's.

From the UK here...our weights and measurements are a bit weird.

I mean an off the shelf fleet van such as the Transit, for instance (other’s are available with high roofs and all come as standard with a/c). This looks like creating a solution for a problem that doesn’t really exist at a huge expense to the US tax payer.

But why not just lease and renew the vehcile with each term? Most ‘last mile’ deliveries are made using just normal vans. Realistically, all these need is right hand drive (Ford/FIAT/Merc has options) and a sliding door with a high roof...oh and a/c.