
This is essentially what they’re doing right now. A strike in its most simple form is a group of people saying we don’t want to take your jobs because we feel it’s unfair. It either succeeds or fails based on the industry’s ability to find workers outside the strikers (enough people think it’s still worth the money to

Jeez. I mean at some point with all these actual threats of violence against individuals and communities that go so far as to dox people for attacks to get what you want does this stop being just internet trolls and become legitimate threats of terrorism. Who would actually think that this is acceptable behavior? I

There were some weird unspoken rules in the Swat 3 community though. I remember that it was agreed that if you aimed your gun straight up at the ceiling, that meant your were AFK and no one should arrest you. I followed that rule until the first time one of those idiots came back online and shot me in the back. Then

A lot of this stuff are things that I would totally eat or drink. But is that a loaf of bread with ice cream and whipped cream balanced on top? How is that a dish? That’s what you make when your power goes out and you run out of ideas on how to eat everything in the fridge before it melts.

Man, Swat 3 was my jam back in the day. Very little got my heart racing like trying to zip tie a guy after tazing him. Hoping your buddies got you covered and you don’t get shot in the back.

I would imagine a lot of the presentation does not hold up this long since release. I played it when it first came out and while I remember liking it a lot, I have no memory of why I liked it, it was so long ago. I figure a similar situation might be true for a lot of people as well.

My own theory, but I think the guns in Westworld work like normal guns. It’s the real people’s clothing that’s perfectly bulletproof. Remember in the first episode when Teddy shoots the man in black in the chest? He’s perfectly fine as it hits the parts where he’s clothed and Teddy has no programming block to shooting

That bums me out so hard that there are still adults that use that stuff. It smells like how a stalker breathing heavily on your neck feels.

Haha your Axe comment brought me back to middle school/high school. I wonder if kids still do that these days. Basically run themselves through an Axe body spray car wash and go to school reeking of bad decisions. That stuff seemed to have fallen off the map, unless they really did just target teenagers that don’t

Eye of the beholder. My fiance and I sometimes comment on people’s looks on TV or whatever, and I find we have very different ideas of attractive for both men and women. We rarely line up on that. So maybe what you think is an attractive woman with an unattractive guy, the person next to you thinks the opposite. Has

I dunno. I could always be convinced to spend time with a 6 piece pack of chicken nuggets.

I don’t know writer #1, but when he complained about being 5' 8", my first thought was, he can’t look all that bad then since that’s not exactly short. I’m 5'7" and it’s never been much of an issue in the dating world (although if I’m honest, I have wished to be taller in the past, what guy hasn’t?).

Man...I really hope early adopters buy enough of this stuff so that VR doesn’t die before prices start to come down on future generations of this hardware.

Unfortunately for a similar reason that when the US rounded up Japanese-American citizens for internment camps they also rounded up Chinese, Korean, any any other Asian looking American. There was no perceived difference. The US war effort dehumanized all Asians during that time so there was more of a perception of

Mothers are crafty. Mine made copies when I lent her a set during a visit.

We still have intermissions in between acts of movies these days. They’re just 2-3 years long now. And we have to pay again.

I was about to post this as well. It made me check my calendar to see when I can clear half a day to watch this uninterrupted. I don’t know what the actual single player is going to be like, but this trailer screams Lawrence of Arabia the Game! Super ok with that.

Japanese eggs are some of the safest, by restaurant and grocery length standards. But even in the US, if you wash the egg (in its shell) before you eat it, your risk of samonella poisoning/infection is very low. Even the USDA says “In-shell pasteurized eggs may be used safely without cooking.” Most eggs you buy were

I quit smoking some time ago, but every time I go back to Tokyo or Kyoto I smoke like a chimney in any bar. Most seem small and only fit 10-20 people and they are filled with a cigarette haze. If I’m going to be sitting in air comprised of 50% smoke, might as well fall off the wagon and enjoy myself.

This is the primary reason to use Credit cards over Debit cards if you’re going to pay off the credit card in full every month anyway.