

My mom watches Dr. Oz all the time like she did Oprah. She gives me medical advice whenever I’m sick. I told her about his validity and she’s very much, “nah.”

I wish Oprah had also not exploited Lindsay Lohan. I’m really tired of Oprah being treated like a patron saint of America.

I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.

i smell troll, sadly enough

Honestly in this case I find your headline just as misleading as the ones you’re complaining about.

Other media outlets have reported that she confessed to the polices that she fabricated the story. They suspected as much with her inconsistent statements regarding the claimed assault. As such, she is now being charged for filing that false report. It sounds like she just wanted attention; she got it.

I’m glad she’s going to face some consequences for doing something this shitty. She’s made it harder for women who’ve actually been harassed like this to be believed—as though I didn’t worry enough already about hijab-wearing women in my family being targeted by Trumpites.

The response of “Oh I have no solid candidate in mind” just speaks volumes, doesn’t it.

“Basically handed her the nomination.”

But we’re all supposed to suck it up and accept the result, accept this as our America now? Protesting this kind of behavior is unpatriotic whining?

Or the teacher. Sorry, I have seen to many of these Facebook posts with racist/homophobic notes turn out to be total bullshit.

Is it supposed to have been written by a five-year-old? Typical high school students wouldn’t have quite that kind of difficulty with a pen. But then, a little kid wouldn’t get the idea to say something that horrible, whereas a high school student probably would.

Right? Plus Amal would be a great First Lady.

Hillary’s candidacy meant a lot of things to a lot of people— many of them women who have been consistently passed over in their professional lives in favor of less qualified men. It seems really shitty to mock people for feeling badly for her, much less to make the ridiculous assertion that such feelings are the

It does. I believe there have been more racist outbursts in the aftermath of Trump winning. I saw one myself. But this note? It’s a weird combination of motor skills, prose, and concepts, that don’t seem like they fit any one age of child. If it’s real, it seems like it wouldn’t be hard to figure out which child

I have half-jokingly floated George Clooney’s name out there. He’s a famous white guy who’s also incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable. Clearly America doesn’t give a shit about prior governing experience.

That looks kinda suspicious.

Orly? that’s what Bouncing Betty’s response is to you? prioritizing Hillary’s ‘feelings’? how about a demand for some fucking justice.