
Like this is a white feminist site or people are pissed of at being called those things? Honestly asking as I’ve consumed about an 8th of wild turkey.

Right? Like some kind of swastika tattoo, right on the forehead. The ignorant fucks . . .

They would just take pride in it. They don’t seem to feel shame.

It is still beyond comprehension that this is real life. Fuck all of this.

2000 was my very first political election as a voting adult. I remember feeling such horror. I wish I could tell 18 year old me to hush, that just 16 years in the future it would be 100x worse and I should just enjoy the insanity for the moment in time that it is.

They’ve had enough of being called assholes, so now assholes run the show.


Not neeeeeearly this apocalyptic.



Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.

Four more years.

Fuck trump, fuck you and goddamn fuck America.

Is this how 2000 felt?! I was a wee lass then, so I don’t entirely remember.

Trump may be president-elect, but he does not represent me at all. Those who voted for him do not share the same values as I do.

Eight years, assuming he lives. The people dumb enough to vote for him this time will still be dumb enough to vote for him next time. The fact that their miserable shitty lives will not have improved will still be the fault of the Mexicans and the Muslims and the blacks.

And Trump supporters don’t get that. Hell, republicans don’t get that. When we vote for Hillary, it’s because there is a very real threat of our civil liberties being taken away. Not because we don’t trust someone’s emails.

Well, this is going to be an interesting four years. I was really hoping that I’d never have to hear another word out of Trump’s mouth once this election is over.

I was going to write a long thing but I drank my sorrows away. I’m so ashamed. Me and my family are fucked. This wasn’t just about red vs blue, real shit was on the line. I’ve never felt so hopeless.

What the fuck is wrong with this country? We are literally living in two separate realities now.