
Well here’s hoping nothing unexpected ever happens in your life. That you never have kids with a partner who unexpectedly disappears or dies, leaving you the sole caretaker. Here’s hoping you never have a dependent that needs help. Here’s hoping you never get caught in a system where sub 20k a year for someone to

My cousin’s first teaching job was at a Catholic school. She made $18,000 a year (in 2007). When she got the job at the public school and went from $18K to $56K/year, she was so happy. She had a second job at a pizzeria when she taught at the Catholic school, so she was able to quit when she got the better salary.

I don’t remember anyone asking for your advice. She needs a living wage not judgment. You are the problem, not her. Her skills are beyond anything you could ever teach her.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Agreed. Fuck BDS.

I live in a country where the person elected president has discussed sexually assaulting women and many of the people elected to represent their districts have committed acts of violence against women, people of color and minorities without consequence. I am not particularly shocked by a right wing nut job calling for

If any group is likely to do that in the future, I guarantee you it’s liberals afraid that acknowledging this will lead to islamophobia. you can already see it in the way liberal leaning websites decide what and what not to report.

You started this by talking about a politician’s unhinged Facebook post (PLOT TWIST: I actually know what Hanegbi did that you were referring to!) as some sort of official policy/movement? When you could have, I don’t know, invoked this insane motion in the Knesset to enshrine Israel as a Jewish State, which more

This seems like a wildly reductionist and compartamentalist way to view history and sociology, but whatever. Believe whatever lets you sleep at night.

Having an antisemite’s fucking pocket knife cut your forehead open to find your jew horns kinda gives you a different perspective on things. Sorry if that’s not what you want to hear.

To be clear, I’m not arguing one causation = one outcome = one narrative. I’m speaking only to the Arab Spring and its failure and the role that Western governments did(n’t) play in that. I’m very clear on how complicated the politics of this region are, with or without us.

Thanks, but lots of good that does. This is one of those “put your money and effort where your mouth is” things that I define as a rather firm personal line.

As an openly bisexual man living in the 21st century, the ACLU has done an outstanding job advocating and fighting for my community over the past, what is it, almost century? and for so many communities in need across the country.

Yes, wholeheartedly? BDS is a group of toxic idealists (the worst kind of idealists - I usually respect the shit out of people like that, on principle, but their whole ethos requires such intensely Trumpian ignorance of reality that I could absolutely never support anything like that) who are working to poison

I mean, the people I know who live and work in Israel would disagree with you, but that’s not a fight I’m gonna fight on their behalf. They’re already fighting it themselves.

Agreed, that’s why I linked to it. It’s been in the news so I thought it relevant.

According to this site Israel never makes any concessions to continuing the peace process and only crack down on Muslims/Palestinians/The BDS movement/Protesters/Whoever, so that’s not actually important news because it involves Israel doing something that can’t be construed as terrible.

Because understanding the details of how destabilizing a region might lead women being sex-trafficked and how skewed coverage of events in that region might further fuck up the lives of such women is....morally reprehensible? I think a lot of good people are perfectly capable of feeling the wrenching horror of

No, I was more observing that these people need significant help and that even though we went to war with ISIS to supposedly save them from this genocide at their hands that when the bombing is done the US and UK won’t likely lift a finger to help them, as shown in recent interventions to supposedly stop cruelty at

Frankly, it had the feel of a Hitler Youth rally, not in that Trump is like Hitler, but that as leader of the state he’s exhorting impressionable young people to exhalt in his own glory. It was just disturbing and inappropriate in ways I’m trying to, but can’t describe.