That’s why the Jeep Gladiator exists
That’s why the Jeep Gladiator exists
Irrational NP because I always thought these were pretty neat cars back in the day.
“It’s the Stealth instead of the 3000GT, so it’s the better looking of the two cousins”
This is a joke, right?
It’s not just Texas. I can spot one of these a mile away.
I have a sinking feeling we’ll see it very soon
Jesus....We’ve gone full Buzzfeed now?
I did that, which I hate BTW. I’m sure they’ll keep fucking things up on here to the point we’re all gone. It’s really gotten bad as a user.
Holy shit.... Those slides weren’t showing up for me until just now. Effing slide shows, man.
I don’t see those on here. I see:
Uh.....I did not see one actual truck on this list.
I don’t think so. It seems the cars that stick around the longest are the cheap little beaters. They’ll be kicking around in horrible shape for 25+ years.
Half of my brain droppings are shit takes.
Paid for by Hyundai (or at least it certainly feels that way)
Or the maintenance
It’s a real humdinger. It basically dismantles democracy and installs a theocratic dictatorship. It’s like the part in every bad action movie where the bad guy explains their whole evil plan in detail.
See: Project 2025
Not with that face it won’t.
And a hideous one at that
Good catch!