Not entirely sure, but mine was a wheezy weakling. Other than the total lack of “sport” anything, it was a decent wagon. Comfy and got ok mileage.
Not entirely sure, but mine was a wheezy weakling. Other than the total lack of “sport” anything, it was a decent wagon. Comfy and got ok mileage.
I had one. There’s no “sport” in these Sport Wagons. The gas pedal just made the engine get louder but it didn’t go anywhere. ND.
I’ve wanted an E30 for years. This is not the version I’d want. ND.
Cool little car, but not for thirteen grand. ND
I appreciate the reply!
Our beloved old Jalopnik is dying a slow, painful death.
HAHAHA!!! Knock off a zero and then we can negotiate down from there.
No. Peach “flavor” is gross and tastes nothing like peaches.
So is a Youabian Puma
“Brilliant Rot” sounds like a hardcore punk band.
It’s a Reliant K car, not a kei car.
This feels like an ad.
Luckily it’s big enough to actually become your new home!
“they found “foreign military hardware” which included a Serbian flight”
“got attacked with a hatchet then stung by a thousand bees”
True, but to me it’s just a big pile of random blobs. I REALLY wanted to like it. I did. When the first images came out I was like “it probably looks wicked in person”. I was let down. Something about the proportions is off to me. Just bubbles and blobs everywhere.
The new Supras problem is that it’s ugly in pictures and ugly in person.
Not my proudest moment musically, but Bangarang by Skrillex will forever remind me of my Evo X. It made me do bad things in that car.
“ and 12" subwoofer impresses even the most discerning audiophiles”
I know towing isn’t hauling, but my full size Ford gets around 30% less mileage when towing the camper. Pulling/carrying weight takes more energy whether it’s from dino-juice or batteries.