

Economical as long as you don’t count maintenance costs.

Is this one of Super Replicas cars?

Saw the word “influencer” and bailed on the article. 

It’s a fun rabbit hole to go down. 

That came from the Three Wolf Moon world, itself a real gem.

The reviews of this book are one of the internets finest treasures

Ah yes, pick on AT&T, you half digested circus peanut. I’m guessing he isn’t aware that they maintain all the hardline communications for the COG program, and have since the 50's/60's? What fucking moron. Can he just hurry up and choke on some KFC while eating in bed?

Where is Fancy Kristen? This has her name ALL over it....


The Lebowski Bar rocks!!!!

Which is exactly why there is zero chance of me seeing this movie in public. 

Does anyone type out “Blu Ray”? 

“the Dakota launched for the 1997 model year”

All the torques

They still do excursions with the 611. I took my dad two years ago and splurged for the Presidents Class car, The Silver Solarium from the original California Zephyr. As good as a train ride can get!

This is the correct answer. 

What we really need is an article explaining, in depth, how to breath and blink. Maybe an expose on the intricacies of walking. 

When everyone switches to EV, the electric companies will jack up their prices and become the gas companies.

I swear to god, half the articles on here MUST be for people who can’t tie their shoes or make toast. How to clip your nails? Really?