
I like the Teal album, and I pretty much hate Weezer. Who’d have thought that they’d be better as an 80's synth-pop cover band? Not me, but I really dig the album. 

If I’m gonna put up with constant breakdowns, I’d much rather have the fast one. Quadrifolioliolioliolio or GTFO.

Jeff Krulik and John Heyn made it, Colonel Rob got it to the masses.

The Hammer would like a word with you...

They should get less involved in the fashion industry, and be far more involved in the reliability industry.

The rubber wheel covers were a real classy touch, though. Ah, that 80's quality. 

Exactly. I had a regular 4 banger ‘Stanger, and it was nothing like this. All raging 88hp of it.

Ewww, no


Chevy: They won’t run well for long, but they’ll run like shit forever!

Buy it, save it, love it. It just wants to be driven all day erry day until the apocalypse comes. 

If you trust your dog to some stranger with an app, you hate your dog and shouldn’t own one. Fight me.

+6 interweb points for “pssshhaaww”

Dammit, Torch! You were so close!!

Agreed! This one is tuned to come on earlier in rev range, so it definitely doesn’t “kickin’ in, yo” like my ‘05 Civic had. This one sucks.

Just wait until he lays eyes on the super secret F350 HellaMegaHotDamn Raptor! It’s got three, count ‘em, THREE Devel 16's under the hood, PLUS the battery packs from 8 Teslas P100-D’s for extra RadBoost™. It’s totes classified though. 

Mine was orange. I really miss that little car. 

They certainly did!

Lol, my TSX has a VTEC yo, and it’s the wheeziest and slowest thing I’ve owned in years.