If you like pina coladas, and emphasizing Barack Hussein...
If you like pina coladas, and emphasizing Barack Hussein...
Prediction: at least two progressives trying to troll lonely Cult 45 members will accidentally catfish each other and find a legitimate connection on this site when they figure it out
You’d think that these people would already know how to get in contact with their cousins and wouldn’t need a service for that.
He would have gone to see the games in person, but....you know....planes.
They you Quentin for clearing that up. We knew it had to be youthful indiscretion, playing devil’s advocate and a deafness of tone. Apology accepted.
Use the slogan “Happiness is Savory.”
At least you weren’t in a K-hole.
Good lord i cannot wait for this movie. Just... i cannot wait.
That’s a devastating human insult. You’re devastated.
The show is easily the best thing I’ve watched in years. I’m still amazed that they took the big season 1 twist and somehow ran with it so hard that they pretty much did it 800 times in the first few episodes of season 2! It’s a masterpiece of a show.
Personal I want to know what the bathroom situation is on the Falcon because I can’t imagine a worse hell then sharing a bathroom with a Wookie
And you thought the Last Jedi ruined your childhood! (I liked the Last Jedi, but I may wait to read some reviews before jump into this).
Red Letter Media covered this last week.
I look forward to watching this video in 15 separate segments over the next four weeks.
It’s also notably similar to Bonin’ Down On Some Fish, the third part of my ongoing series about bonin’ down on some fish.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Nick Offerman should play Teddy Roosevelt in a biopic. He’s the only one manly enough to play him.
On the one hand, you have a valid point. On the other hand, being on the Republican team at this juncture involves either believing in or letting slide (which those that do try to paint as better, but I consider worse) such a raft of awful things that you already know what most of those characteristics are.
Our cat will run lightning fast out any door opened for more than a second and I have to chase him all over the neighborhood to get him back. Just because her cat got outside doesn’t make her a bad cat owner. Some cats are just like that.
He was found hanging from a tree. Probably by Logan Paul.
Does that mean....partners?