Yup. As I was going to say: The answer is yes, otherwise no one would love anyone.
[Spike Lee angrily tweets Al Green’s home address]
President Trump has responded to the allegations against Al Franken by Tweeting “May God be with the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas.”
To be fair, Sean is just reporting the facts and has no agenda or incentive to get as many people to read his posts as possible. He’s merely implying that Bryan Cranston is a rape apologist because he has suggested that people who have done horrible things can change, learn from their terrible mistakes and the…
Don’t forget Jackie Brown, an underrated treasure.
Yeah...that’s a spectacularly sophomoric take, that I’d hope would only be produced by an freshman boy who just took his first philosophy class, and only knows of South Park through his all-male “feminist” club.
“I’ll take ‘Unwanted Advances’ for $200, Alex”
The Maybe option intrigues me. Yeah, maybe. Like 99.999% of the time the answer is no, but what if terrorists have busted into your home and they’re about to cut your spouse’s head off, and the only way you can stop them is to rape them right there and then? Because that happens.
Their criticism of Clinton boiled down to “she’s an uninspiring candidate” and, as someone who voted for her, they were right. There’s a reason why Trump took the Electoral College with fewer votes than Romney lost by in 2012.
Nearly twenty years on, Phil Hartman’s absence is still felt, in every new animated show, and in every new comedy on Netflix or Amazon or Hulu. There is just no way he wouldn’t have flourished in today’s media environment, and I feel like we were all robbed of a lot of great comedic work.
It’s really triggering my OCD that he didn’t name his daughter March April.
“Nah, nah, nah...it’s TRICKY to rock a rhyme.”
> I like being fucked in my ass
Me loved tribute SNL did when he died. They did sketch where Rodney (Darrell Hammond) get to Pearly Gates. St. Peter ask him questions about his life that just transparent setups for classic Dangerfield jokes. Finally he says, “hey, me thought you guys already knew all this stuff about me.” St. Peter says, “oh, we do.…
Oh you had Comedy Central when Penn Jillette was their station announcer too? I saw this and PCU maybe a jillion times as a pre-teen and yet can barely remember either of them.
Bro, I took my daughter to see It and we just laughed the entire time. It wasn’t even scary!
The whole thing was a rumor made up by Gawker, a trashy tabloid sued into extinction because of the garbage posted on it, and was treated as gospel by bloggers.