Bush wishes he was half as smart and suave as Zaphod.
Bush wishes he was half as smart and suave as Zaphod.
For some, this is true. For others, it all about pissing off liberals. I have some conservative family members who, while horrified by how Donald Trump has been conducting himself, are still elated at how this must be “just driving the Dems crazy lol”. They are worse than stupid. They know better, but they are…
Member when Obama just sat in that kindergarten classroom while the twin towers were under attack? Pepperedge Farm remembers.
I want to see Patrick Warbuton play Barry.
Pgoodso’s Pointless Prediction P’corner-Considering how much of a beef Overkill seems to have with AEGIS, normal superhero protocol, and interestingly, Onward the Dog (at least while full of FO-HAM), as well as his hatred of the Terror and apparent experience with Lint, I think Overkill is the only surviving member of…
Trivia: The dog is voiced by Townsend Coleman, the voice of the Tick in the animated series.
The budget for the NEA could cover a couple miles’ worth of chainlink fence.
That and the beaver.
If you can get over the word “French” in the title, The French Connection is a cool movie!
Off topic because I know how much kinja loves it when we go off topic. And because no one sees it in RD because there is no newest sort.
She also formed a singing group called Tomy! Tomi! Tomé!
The real fun (where available) is in scooching back into commenting histories and feeds to see just how respectful they were of the office of the President between 2009 and 2016.
“The healthiest. The best health. Stronger than Obama. Large Electoral College win in history. Huge hands. Classy. Never met Putin, but would love to meet him. No puppet. Will nuke Africa.”
Let’s just take a gander over at the right-wing media and see if there’s any malicious slander or defamation of a public figure....
Ok, folks... time for a little reality check.
Is there a way for the cats to get out after they finish off your carcass?
Trump can suck a fuck
Well, maybe parts of the New Testament. That Old Testament God was vengeful and petty AF.
Supply Side Jesus FTW!
4channers are actually making “antifa” accounts on social media and spreading images of domestic abuse with slogans calling for antifacists to attack women as strongly, if not moreso than men.