
Just gonna throw this out there: Temper your expectations. If Comey’s statement is any sign of what to expect tomorrow... I don’t think it’s going to be nearly as entertaining/cathartic as you might be hoping. There’s some skeevy stuff in there for sure... but this won’t be the beginning of the end of Trump or

I'm actually Steve. And I'm quite bunk.

What a charming and lovely individual I hope to hear nothing about in the future.

Somebody did make good comedy out of decapitation. It's called "Re-Animator" and it's a fucking American classic!

I like to call the space between Ted Nugent's two front teeth his "dick whittler".


I like it from a phonetic standpoint. But not to the point where I can't divorce it from the historical context in which it arrived. So I'm pretty much okay with not being able to use it.

Hah! Suddenly my decision to never have kids and stay alone until I die and am eaten by my cats doesn't seem so ridiculous now, does it????

"Man, we sure do love this fifty yard head start we've had since the beginning of time."

That's categorically untrue. They're both named Stephen Miller. Which is what his post was about. The name being ruined by two douchey individuals. Oooh! Two things!

Ironic that this guy picks a movie about guys so insecure in their masculinity that they have to beat the shit out of each other to regain it.

"I got some yellow cake right here! Look. See? You believe this shit now?"

Ugh. That's beyond creepy. Why can't he just masturbate and feel deep shame for a half hour afterwards like the rest of us?

I also wonder if his shoes not fitting through the electrical socket portal also factors into this. Like leaving a part of "himself" so to speak rendered him… incomplete in some way.

Without you
Without you everything falls apart

I know! So frustrating!

Clearly the media has a liberal bias against forehead swastikas!

If I were Mike Huckabee I wouldn't make too many heart attack jokes. I'd also be really fat. Like fatter than I currently am. And that's saying something!

You leave Harold Faltermeyer out of this! That man is a national treasure!

Wait… he has a tangential relationship to a black person?