
I'm sure if you said that, Pence would defend you by saying you never said that. Then we'd cut to a clip of you saying that thing, and then Pence would go laugh cruelly and go, "That never happened!"

Somebody call 911! Quick!

Nuking the subreddit seems dumb. Why not just create a new official subreddit for all NMS hate? Call it “r/FUNMS” and just direct people there when they want to bitch about the game?

“It is about punishment and potentially dissuading others from committing similar crimes.”

Just out of curiosity... when innocent people are executed, is that just an “Acceptable Loss”?

May their future children never run out of Halloween costumes.

Ducking A!

Is there any way to start like a Dsqus thread or something? We could all just hang out there and gush about the show.

It looks like not-Jake Gyllenhaal just headbutted that lady in the jaw. Rude. Thanks, Spidey!

There was that one scene where punched that guy and then grimaced kinda. That was cool.

Maybe SAM had too much whimsy? I dunno. Either way… you sound like you need a hug. I'm just gonna leave this for you if you want it: *hug*

Wow… this trailer gave me Channel Zero interest in ever watching this show.

Well… to be fair… you all oughta be ashamed after what you did to Liam Neeson's daughter. That's right… EVERY. SINGLE. ONE OF YOU!!!

I… I dunno… I've never watched her Youtube videos, nor will I start to based off of the little I've seen of the character…

Yeah. Makes sense. I wouldn't say it's the funniest movie of the year, nor the smartest, nor the best representation of mental health issues ever caught on film. But the combination of everything it did (Music, cinematography, performances, pacing, the endless creativity filling the margins) put a huge smile on my

I've shown this movie to a few different friends and it's been interesting to see their varied reactions. Some have openly embraced it as one of the best films they've ever seen. Some have called it too weird and sad to be entertaining.

*Geezer Butler glances up from his New York Times, flashes you a casual devil horns before returning back to reading*

Well these are the kinds of reactions we can do without, Mw Fuller. Come on.

I'll do it for free!

A lot of people, sadly people I know, buy into the whole "we're tired of politicians, Trump can't be any worse" narrative. Even when you try to explain that the reason they hate politicians so much are because they're all corrupt. Corrupted by rich assholes. Like Trump.