Agreed. Like I said… the Star Wars thing was the media DESPERATELY trying to court controversy. Of course, had the GB trailer dropped at the same time they wouldn't have had to try so hard.
Agreed. Like I said… the Star Wars thing was the media DESPERATELY trying to court controversy. Of course, had the GB trailer dropped at the same time they wouldn't have had to try so hard.
I've always said if you can't fight, then you better be good at making people uncomfortable.
I think Elf might have possibly been joking about Francis' use of "Matt and Stone". Possibly. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Careful. You keep spouting even-minded, rational arguments like that and Billy Graham will totally haunt you when you're trying to go to sleep!
Dis is true. Very very true.
It's interesting that the message you took away in the end was, "It's all just harmless. You should get over it."
"I'm Thcott Malkinthon! have diabetesth. Buh buh buh buh buh!"
For some odd reason these comment sections bring a lot of people from places like Breitbart and other conservative websites. Not entirely sure why. I guess cuz… trollin.
There was a very minor outcry of "WHY HE BLACK?!!?" which was blown up to make it seem like a really big story. Because "racist Star Wars fans" is a much more incendiary headline than: "New Star Wars trailer comes out, people pretty much like it for the most part." Can stir up those outrage bucks with reporting like…
After eight years of a black guy being president, suddenly a genre of porn that is about men being forced to watch as their significant others are plowed by (generally large, African American) males becomes highly popular. How about that?
To be fair on the Ghostbusters comment section, it's been pretty widely reported that Sony was taking all of the "eh… this doesn't look so good" comments and keeping all of the "WIMMIN BUSTED MY CHILDHOOD WITH THEIR MEAN VAGINAS!" comments…. because that fit into Sony's narrative in marketing the film as a lone hero…
Speaking of cinematic, I don't know why but that push in on Gerald's shadow as he was going to troll town was really well down. The shape of his shadow was pure Disney villain (All sharp edges and evil) and the actual camera move was done really well. In the computer, I mean… obviously…
I hadn't heard about that. Thanks for the heads up. The Gawker article is a helluva a read (It really made me wonder if Parker and Stone had seen it before doing this considering the correlations between Brutsch and Gerald). The follow-up articles around the web are even more interesting. Apparently employers don't…
Get that even-handed thoughtful thinkpiece out of here! We're too busy being outraged!!!!
It's definitely implied. And by definitely, I mean if you look at the first letter of every paragraph, it actually spells "I-R-E-A-L-L-Y-W-A-N-N-A-S-A-Y-N-I and then it just runs out of letters. :P
MRA, SJW and all other shorthand labels are just healthy reminders that the person you're talking to has already made up their mind on something and won't be swayed by silly things like facts or reality.
Ross Douthat just wants to go back to the good old days when he can say the N-word without being shamed. What's wrong with that?!?!?
While not original, I'm holding out hope that their Death Note adaptation gets them back on track. That's the kind of stuff they excel at: Dark, weird, but also pretty goddamn funny.
Yep. Totally her fault. What a slut.
Who then followed it up with: "Fuckface." And then some quiet grumbling and teeth grinding.