“I happen to know that The Root’s readership includes a lot of DC Comics fans who would be familiar with Bizarro Superman, otherwise I’d have to explain that reference”
“I happen to know that The Root’s readership includes a lot of DC Comics fans who would be familiar with Bizarro Superman, otherwise I’d have to explain that reference”
Behold the master race
So you are saying he has COVID NINE, NINE, NINE? Yeah couldn’t resist.
Just so you know, as a Jew, I have wrangled with the vilest anti-Semitism imaginable
I was struggling to figure out what his actual point was, I think it was something like if you removed all the racist people there would still be black on black crime but no racism?
Holy fuck, that long-winded, well-reasoned pile of bullshit from Craig had me rubbing my eyes by the third paragraph. It’s like Whiggy got a hold of your email address and had nothing but time. My bs detector was going off like a Geiger counter at Chernobyl as soon as he started trying to set arbitrary rules for his…
Dolt 45 knows jack shit, but Stephen Miller, that nazi motherfucker, most certainly does.
I would be shocked to find out there was truth to this. Shocked!
Im not sure how true this is, but I hope that there's a lot of truth here. Take it for what it's worth: I've heard that a lot of people are reserving tickets with no intention of attending this stupid ass rally. The idea is that they're reserving these tickets (all free, apparently) just to have empty chairs in the…
In all honesty, I don’t think Trump himself purposefully scheduled the event on Juneteenth in Tulsa, simply because he’s too ignorant about...everything. I have no evidence of this, but the timing and city choice smells more like Stephen Miller to me.
I love that he has to go back to WWII to call out anything positive the military has done
“I envision my two grandfathers, who fought for this country during World War II, one in the Army and one in the Marine Corp. Both risking their lives to protect our country and to try to make our country and this world a better place. [And I envision how they came back to the U.S. and were greeted as heroes! To this…
Oh thanks! It might be useful to know who’s boot is on my neck in the coming days.
I mean Trump walking past graffiti that says “Fuck Trump” on the way to his bitch ass photo op is some good stuff. Oh note to white folks black people don’t burn down or desecrate churches. That is shit you all specialize in
Also, anarchism is a vast philosophy with many different branches of thought and activist wings. It’s not wrong to label the bomb throwing, shit stirrers who seek chaos and lawlessness anarchists. But it’s not even half the story. Anarchism is also a rejection of hierarchy and an embrace of greater organization…
The second they start breaking laws, causing violence and harm to someone or their property, they become rioters and are subject to the full weight of the law.
Let’s film Helen Mirren dressed as Queen Elizabeth II reading this so Damon can get a screenwriting Oscar.
I especially love that the rescue took the dog back from her. I guarantee you, this woman is the type of Karen who takes her dog into normally dog-free areas, and when people ask her to leave because it’s not a licenced service animal, she snaps back that “Don’t you know he’s a rescue? He’ll feel abandoned and have a…
“...or she was really banking on catching Sanders off guard.”