It seems like almost every month, a man who says stuff like that is caught in a motel room with a rent boy.
It seems like almost every month, a man who says stuff like that is caught in a motel room with a rent boy.
I thought he was referring to the stand up comic, Tig until I continued reading.
I’m afraid to watch it. I don't want to get heartburn.
Euronews has an interesting take on this. Apparently, Europeans were baffled by this as well.
Definitely shade (one of the requirements is not mentioning names)
I don’t believe him. I’ve seen plenty of meth heads and this is another weasely attempt to escape justice. Lying ass liar
“I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.” - Clarence Darrow
Another example of nobody believing Black people until a white guy says it. Everyone said we were imagining that the CIA started the crack epidemic too.
Is Dr. Ben Carson her dad?
I love my Google wallet! I don’t have to wait when my brother sends me money and the physical card works anywhere they take Mastercard
I’m a bit ashamed because I couldn’t get past that name either!
I’m curious about the timing of her “outing” by her mother. Why now?
I have three brothers and I’ve never kissed any of them.
my "boyfriend" was in a bad motorcycle accident two blocks away from my place, I rushed there and secured his bike (which was in two pieces) and he was being loaded into an ambulance. I couldn't go to the emergency room because I was searching for his wallet; he was rushing back to get it and had the wreck so I…
Looks like the perfect van for kidnappers.