

I totally agree with you on all of this. This story is making me nuts. I can’t get over how blatantly fabricated on her part it all feels. He has no pattern of abuse, i listen to his podcast, most of his exes come on, he supports them, they support him. Hell, he was with Janet Varney for 7 years! He owns his shit. Is

Nope. The more I read about this woman, the more she strikes me as unstable. And it’s not hard to dig into her past. It’s not case of going through her garbage. Rather she extremely overshares herself on multiple social media platforms. She talks about losing her virginity at age 18 to a married 34 year old man on her

I mean, she mentions “sexual assault.” This is all going off assumptions (both sides of the debate), but going based off of her words, not losing his job after sexual assault seems relatively light, yeah.

Getting of “this lightly?”

They don’t operate out of logic, but they do have patterns. And I didn’t say abusers abuse everyone they know. What I said was that they specifically choose victims. Which is exactly what murderers do.

“I do not believe in an eye for an eye, and therefore I have only shared my evidence with those who I felt should see it.”

She wanted to recover her power over the echoes that were still haunting her, and she was worried that he might still be abusing new partners. If this had happened to you, and you recalled how that treatment messed up your sense of personal autonomy, you might feel a responsibility to speak up so they could hear you:

He did push back and she still didn’t release any evidence, he did. Several of his ex’s came to his defense so his other partners do not collaborate how she said he acts with girlfriends. She obviously wanted to punish him in the court of public opinion and his reputation so acting like the article didn’t damage him

“Not naming” Hardwick is a cop-out. She very clearly described him, and their relationship was long-term and publicly known. “Hmm, which years older, successful podcaster in the nerd communities has she dated? I just don’t know! If only she gave his name!”

For me, the system works fine - players who deserve more, like you say, can hold out and get more and usually do while the teams can cut guys who signed for big money but played like shit.

This. Thank you. You are absolutely correct. 

she chose not to participate.  that means she didnt find it important enough to back up her accusations in a formal investigation from Chris’ employer. kinda diminishes her stance and makes her original statement suspect.

That’s totally fair. It just seemed pretty obvious based on what she did say, and the fact that she didn’t say “guys, leave Chris alone, it’s not him.” Even in this latest statement, she doesn’t say anything about the wrong guy getting all this attention. So while it’s 100% true that it could be someone else, I don’t

She didn’t and hasn’t named Hardwick, correct? This is something that has bothered me about this particular incident — she published this essay (good for her, and it’s terrible she went through this kind of relationship) but didn’t name the abuser (okay, her choice) but then everyone piled on the guy they assumed she

I especially liked “a guy I dated who ran a podcast and now is CEO of something” when there’s exactly one guy she dated who fits that description. It’s like if I said “a website I posted on today that’s named after a biblical woman and has a love-hate relationship with Grimes”.

This women is just so disingenuous, first she accuses “a mildly successful podcaster to a powerhouse CEO of his own company.”) like everybody wouldn’t figure out is was chris hardwick, c’mon. Then she was like I have evidence of abuse but I’m not going to release it and I’m taking a break from social media cause I

Tesla shouldn’t be in business PERIOD but being buttbuddies with the most corrupt human scum on earth (Obama and his pack of Demoncrats) he’s been given free reign to do whatever the hell he wants!!

Other car makers have much more intrusive systems that detect when the driver isn’t paying attention. I shudder to say it, but I think GM implemented a better system. They have sensors that see if you’re actually watching the road. And a big feedback device built into the steering wheel. It’s not as functional on the

No, they’re marketing very precisely and specifically. Here’s a quote off of BOTH the Model S and X pages, on tesla’s own site.