
I thought she was the one who is trying to sound all sexy but ends up just sounding congested instead.

I imagine it will consolidate down to a couple services, but when they happens, the subscription cost will go up to reflect it. Its not realistic for people to expect to get everything for $10 a month.

If a DtV movie doesn’t have “Batman” in the title, DC isn’t willing to give it much of a budget, sadly.

Seriously it’s like everyone is going insane just as the market seemed to be getting into a good groove.

I love how the infinite scrolling also loads a whole bunch of new ads, including the autoplay video ads. I just love how my browser hitches every time it loads a new article.

Also when the shows get very low ratings, they will still blame us for not paying instead of the people who put it in front of such a limited audience.

Great, another streaming service I have to pay for to get a single TV show. Between this and CBS trying to hide Star Trek behind an online subscription, TV piracy is about to go through a new renaissance.